How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog (and Website)

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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A blog is a crucial component of a business website. There are many reasons to blog but ultimately what it comes down to is that a blog can help generate traffic to your website and those website visitors can then in turn learn more about your business and products and consider buying from you. By increasing traffic to your blog, you’re increasing traffic to your website, which can drive sales. Here are 4 ways to increase blog traffic:

Post regularly

The number of blog posts that you publish typically correlates with the amount of traffic that the blog receives. It’s one thing to have a blog on your website. It’s a completely different thing to keep it active over time and commit to posting new content regularly. So many website owners start with good intentions and then let the blog sit idle for weeks, months, years. Sure, the older content might generate some traffic but blogs that are updated regularly will perform better over time. If you think about it, every blog post can serve as an entryway to your website. And the more entryways there are, the more likely it is that traffic will increase.

Add SEO elements

Blogging is a big part of SEO because blog posts can rank in organic search and drive organic traffic over time. Every blog post must have an optimized title, meta description, and headings. This code is what the search engine spiders see and it’s used to determine rank.

Include images

Images can really help a piece of content stand out from the rest. The best images are the ones that contribute to the content, like a chart or graph that helps people visualize the text content that they are reading. Infographics are great to include in blog posts if you have the resources to create professional looking ones. Videos are also great to include in blog posts for visual/hands on learners. People have different content preferences and by mixing infographics and video content into your blog posts, you’ll keep people happy. Images can also help a blog post get noticed in social media. Think about all of the text in social media that’s so easy to scroll right by. If a post includes an eye-catching graphic, people will be more likely to click over.

Promote blog posts

Once you write a blog post the work isn’t over. You want people to read it, right? Sure, it might drive traffic organically over time, but you also need to spend time promoting it through your channels. Start with your email newsletter and social media. In social media, if you have the budget to do so, consider paying to promote/boost the content to target audience members. That way, you know that a relevant audience is seeing your content.

Blogging is a lot of work, which is why you want to do everything that you can to drive as much traffic as possible to your blog posts. If blog traffic is going up, it means that more people are being exposed to your brand, company, products, and services.