Embracing Inclusivity in B2B Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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The world is a diverse place, and the same is true for your customers. Many of us don’t realize how important inclusivity is in our marketing. The reality is, this is one of those things that sends a message to your customer base. If they feel represented in your marketing, they are more likely to become paying customers. Your marketing should be diverse and inclusive, because you want all to feel welcomed.

Here’s more information about how to make sure you approach your marketing with a sense of inclusivity:

Understand Your Real Target Audience

What is your target audience? In marketing, you need to have a specific idea of what this is, and then you need to make sure the demographics are well represented in your marketing materials. However, this issue goes beyond making sure your demographics are represented because your demographics could be affected by the existing visual representation in your marketing.

It is much better for you, as a business, to represent everyone. Otherwise, you could be making people feel left out, and this could be impacting your demographics. If your marketing is more inclusive, this could widen your target market.

Learn How to Use Inclusive Language

Inclusivity is about more than just using inclusive photos. It can also be represented in the language that you use in your marketing. Your language needs to be inclusive, positive, free of stereotypes, and nondiscriminatory. For example, you can use gender neutral phrases like “chairperson” instead of “chairman”. These may not seem like a big deal on the surface, but they really are. Using gender neutral terms sends a positive message.

Check over your marketing materials and make sure the language is inclusive. You may want to find a third party who specializes in this kind of thing to check your copy over to make sure the biases are removed.

Learn How to Evolve When Needed

What kind of customer feedback are you getting? Does your audience seem generally happy with your marketing and its inclusivity? Many times, if your marketing falls short in this area, you will hear about it in feedback from your existing customers. In other words, you need to learn how to evolve, especially when your existing customer base is giving you valuable feedback that could promote change.

Having a mindset of evolution, however, shouldn’t need feedback to occur. All businesses need to have more of a mindset of inclusivity. Businesses should work on their inclusivity on an ongoing basis, just because it is so important to make everyone feel comfortable when they encounter the marketing. It’s all about having a mindset of evolving and making people feel comfortable.

It is important to note that you need to be careful not to overdo things. You need to strike a balance that makes sense for your company. Otherwise, your efforts won’t look genuine and people won’t respond positively. They’ll think you’re trying too hard, and this will also be a turnoff. While inclusivity is important, it has to be tasteful and make sense overall for your company as a whole.