Are These Things Holding Back SEO Success?

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that it can take time to see SEO results, however if you’ve been doing everything right for more than 6 months (following white hat SEO best practice, implementing keywords naturally into web content, writing new optimized content, building relevant inbound links to the website) and you aren’t seeing ANY return for it – there’s a chance that something is holding back your SEO success. Here are a few of the biggest, and most common, culprits:

An outdated/hard to use website

SEO and web design are two distinct functions, but they really work hand in hand. Even if you’re doing all of the SEO work properly, what kind of website is this SEO work supporting? One thing that the search engines pay attention to is how visitors are interacting with the website. How long do they stay on the website? Do they quickly leave the website and return back to the search results? If you’re investing in SEO, you should also be investing in modern web design and usability. The website should be easy to navigate and use across devices and quick to load.


Different websites have different goals. Some websites want to generate leads. Others want to generate direct sales (ecommerce). And some exist in order to generate ad revenue. Google understands this and not all website advertising is bad. However, website ads should never be the primary focus of the website. It creates a bad user experience. Aren’t you annoyed whenever a pop up blocks what you’re reading? Or when you see a bunch of sponsored links in the middle of an article that aren’t even relevant to the content? A poor user experience caused by ads (specifically above the fold) can slow your SEO growth.

Thin content

Maybe you’ve been publishing new, optimized content as part of your SEO campaign, but is it any good? There’s so much content on the web, that just writing content to write content isn’t enough. In order to actually make an impact and appear in organic search and attract natural inbound links, the content needs to be more than just filler. It needs to be high-quality and actually provide value to readers. In addition to doing absolutely nothing for SEO, thin content also reflects poorly on a company.

If you know you’re doing everything right SEO-wise (always get professional SEO help to ensure that you are) but aren’t seeing a return after more than 6 months, it’s time to investigate why. If any of the above sound familiar, take steps to right these wrongs and get your SEO campaign back on track.