Growth Marketing Depends on Testing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Growth marketing thrives on experimentation and testing. The reason why growth marketers perform well in today’s digital landscape is for this very reason. They are able to utilize the data that they have in order to make strategic decisions. Of course, we believe that you need a combination of data and intuition to really be effective digital marketers, but growth marketing is definitely a worthwhile strategy.

That being said, no matter how much you plan and prep, you won’t really know if something is going to work unless you test it. All the data in the world can’t prepare you well enough for real world conditions. Here are some of our thoughts:

Removing the Prior Experience Bias

We have had situations where we can tell, based on data and the intuition we’ve developed over the years based on our experience, that a certain strategy will work well. Yet, the client shoots it down immediately. They say, “I’ve tried that it and it didn’t work.” This is a “prior experience bias” and it isn’t an accurate way to conduct business. Some questions:

  • When did you try it? Was it at least a year ago or more? Well, market conditions are likely different mow.
  • How did you try it? How did you develop the strategy you used? Chances are pretty good that you didn’t have marketing experts with over 40+ years combined experience on your side developing the strategy!
  • Did you use data to help you arrive at your decision to try it? If not, then it makes our suggestion even more viable. We see the proof in the data and we would love to be able to try the strategy.

Just because you tried something in the past and it didn’t work doesn’t mean it won’t work now. There are so many variables that will be different, it is not, as they say, like comparing apples to apples. More like apples to bananas. Which means that you really can’t compare it at all.

Try the Strategy Before You Judge It

As mentioned above, growth marketing relies on experimenting and testing. This automatically means that you need to dive in and try things in order to get yourself a step closer to achieving your business goals. Try the one thing that you think won’t work, as long as an expert suggested it. Try something you think will work. Hopefully it will all work well. If not, you simply collect the data, analyze progress, make some changes, and move on.

You really need to try it before you judge it. For example, we have a client who thought that a certain way of marketing his business would yield fantastic results. He had observed that a competitor was using the strategy with great results. This is another case of comparing apples to bananas. Just because they are a competitor doesn’t mean that what works for them will work for you. Needless to say, they tried it and it didn’t work, but the data allowed him to eventually implement a strategy that did work.

You won’t know if something will work unless you try it! That’s the only way to be as a growth marketer.