Growth Marketing Strategy Advice

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Growth marketing involves the use of insights and data in order to improve the outcome of tactics used to create business success. By monitoring the results of tactics used, you can adjust where needed to achieve growth over time. Here’s what you need to know about implementing a growth marketing strategy:

Search Engine Optimization

You’re familiar with SEO. You know it’s a key part of your business’ overall success. SEO is also a powerful tool when it comes to your growth marketing strategy. In addition to helping consumers find and learn about your products and services, good SEO will help you to connect with your target audience long-term. This is important for continuing the success of your business as you add new services and products. As time goes on, you want to not only retain current customers, but attract new ones. With good SEO, your website will be visible in the search engines and improve your authority.

Effective SEO requires more than just regular keyword research though. Keywords are important, but an SEO strategy requires the ability to adapt. Things are always evolving, and it’s important to keep up. Natural language keywords, for example, are taking the spotlight thanks to voice assistants. Creating an FAQ page can help you to not only answer questions posed by your target audience, but to implement words that they are currently using. Metrics you can use to determine the performance of your SEO include:

  • Organic traffic by keyword
  • Click-through rate
  • Keyword visibility
  • Conversion rate
  • SERP visibility
  • Engagement time

Content Marketing Funnel

Taking a full-funnel approach with your content marketing can help achieve growth with your marketing. A full-funnel approach means that you create content for each stage of the buyer’s journey instead of focusing on just one. The buyer’s journey doesn’t end when you make them aware of your products and services and make a sale. You want to encourage customer loyalty. You want customers who purchase once to continue coming back for more because you have what they need. The buyer’s journey consists of:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Purchase
  • Retention
  • Loyalty

By creating content geared at each stage, your customers will know, without a doubt, that you are there for them. Content can include things like:

  • How-to guides
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Ebooks

Capturing the attention of your customers no matter what stage they are currently in will help keep them interested, retain their loyalty, and increase your conversions. You can track the performance of your content marketing by analyzing:

  • Traffic sources
  • Click-through rate
  • Content shares
  • Impressions

Customer Psychology

Growth marketing is more than just creating high-quality content and knowing which keywords to implement. Growth marketing also benefits from understanding how to connect with your target audience on an emotional level. Customers will act faster because they feel this deeper connection with you. How can you use customer psychology to your benefit? Being authentic is imperative.

With so many brands and businesses to compete with, the last thing your target audience wants is to experience the same thing over and over again. Let your unique personality show. Don’t be afraid to be open and tell your story. A little bit of vulnerability in sharing your struggles to get where you are now can endear customers to you. At times, you may want to instill a sense of urgency in your target audience by creating flash sales. This type of sale encourages fast decisions.

Growth marketing is necessary for the long-term success of your business. Understanding the data can help you to adjust and pivot when needed. Not all tactics will be helpful for your business. Knowing which ones positively affect the decisions of your target audience will help you tailor your growth marketing strategy appropriately.