How Fractional Marketing Fuels Growth

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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As a B2B, the drive to stay competitive in your industry is always present. What used to work a year or even six months ago to market your business may not work now. This means that you need stellar marketing resources in order to keep your edge. Yet, this can be easier said than done. Budget constraints, outdated knowledge, lack of focused B2B marketing strategy, and other issues could prevent you from progressing your marketing into the future.

More than anything, you need the right marketing expertise and resources to make sure your marketing is poised to take your B2B into the future. This isn’t always possible with your in-house resources. That’s where Fractional Marketing comes in.

What is Fractional Marketing?

When you outsource any part of your marketing, you have a choice. Do you want to contract the work out to freelancers on a short term or project by project basis, or do you want marketers who have more expertise and ability to take a bigger approach with you?

Fractional Marketing is where you hire a marketing expert or team to deal with aspects of your marking on a part time basis. Fractional marketers are experts in their fields, and this arrangement allows you to hire experts that will help you solve any of your marketing issues.

Fractional marketers you could hire include Fractional CMO, Fractional Digital Marketing Manager, Fractional Content Strategist, Fractional SEO Specialist, Fractional Social Media Specialist, and more. In other words, if it is a typical role that you might consider hiring a full time employee, chances are pretty good you could find the Fractional equivalent.

After all, sometimes you don’t need a full-time employee – sometimes you only need a part time or temporary one.

What are the Benefits to Fractional Marketing?

So, why should a company consider Fractional Marketing over outsourcing to a freelancer or hiring full time staff? Here’s a look at some of the main ones:

  • Cost Savings. Hiring full time employees can be expensive. Not only that, but you might not even have enough work for them to do full time. So, a cost-effective alternative is to find a Fractional that can handle the position, instead.
  • Expertise. When you hire a Fractional to take care of your B2B Marketing, you will be hiring an expert. This arrangement allows you to tap into a vast talent pool filled with experienced professionals. The same can’t be said for freelancers or full time talent. In fact, many companies opt for full-time marketers that aren’t as experience in order to cut costs.
  • Scalability. You can pay for as little or as much of the Fractional Marketer’s time as you truly need. For example, there will be no more wasted hours, as is often the case with full time marketers. Also, this arrangement is highly scalable. You can start small and ramp up, as needed.

As you can see, fractional Marketing is a viable option for B2Bs who need strategic help with their marketing. You can work with an expert without breaking the bank!