Fractional CMO: Unite Marketing and Sales

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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In a perfect world, sales and marketing would work in tandem for the greater good of the company. Marketing would generate leads; sales would nurture these leads. Sales would prospect for clients;  marketing would use insights from their efforts to create content. However, in our observation, things are usually far from perfect. Sales and marketing have a notoriously difficult time working together, and the end result of this push and pull is that the results aren’t where they should be.

This is a problem that needs to be solved. Yet, it is not an easy task. Typically, the task to bridge the gap needs to fall to leadership, but not every company is poised with the resources. This is where a Fractional CMO can come in handy for you.

Fractional CMOs Can Solve Specific Problems

In an ideal world, companies will have Chief Marketing Officers on staff to oversee the marketing efforts. Not every company has the resources, desire, or even necessity to hire one full time. Yet, companies often hesitate to hire Fractional CMOs because they don’t think they need one. Whether or not this is the case depends on the nature of the business.

However, it is important to note that every business has a problem to solve. It is very difficult for existing staff to solve high level business problems. This is where a Fractional CMO can be very helpful. If you aren’t sure if you want to hire a Fractional CMO to oversee your marketing, you may consider working with one to solve this specific problem.

Your Existing Resources Caused the Problem

Remember that as much as you might love your staff and stand by your in-house resources, these are the things that caused sales and marketing to not be united in the first place. Whether it’s a failure in the process, you’ve hired the wrong people, or maybe you didn’t know any better. It doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that you are in a status quo, and it is this status quo that caused the problem.

To solve it, you really do need to bring on a fresh perspective. You need someone with experience working through marketing problems. They need to understand not only the overall strategy, but be able to pinpoint the problem, identify why it happened, and then make the necessary changes to solve the issue.

Improve Communication Between Departments

One of the best ways to solve this issue is to improve the communication between the two departments. However, this isn’t always easy, and it takes an experienced third party to make it happen. If the two departments were going to naturally communicate, it would have happened already.

A Fractional CMO knows how to not only work through issues in marketing, but also how to effectively communicate with other departments for the overall good of the company. Solving a problem like this takes that particular skill set.

Remember that you don’t necessarily need to hire a Fractional CMO to run the whole marketing department. You can hire them for a specific purpose, such as uniting marketing and sales. Whenever you have a big problem, you need to solve, your existing resources caused the issue in the first place. A Fractional CMO can give you a new perspective so you can achieve your goals.