What Are Some Fractional CMO Responsibilities

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that a CMO has a variety of roles in the company. From a big picture standpoint, they oversee all of your marketing efforts, including digital marketing, and determine the best way to market your business to attract the target audience. Without this overseeing body, it would be very difficult for your marketing team to reach its goals. Marketing isn’t about a series of tasks strung together, it’s a complex strategy that needs a budget, the right delegation, proper monitoring of results, and more. It’s very difficult to do this without a CMO.

What if you can’t afford to hire a CMO in-house? That’s where a Fractional CMO comes into the picture. They do everything that a regular CMO can do, but without the drain on resources that an in-house CMO can cause. Here’s a look at some of the responsibilities that a Fractional CMO can take on:

Develop a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

All good marketing plans begin with a well-thought-out strategy. There’s no way around this. It’s the only way to prevent your team from wasting their efforts. You need to start with the strategy, otherwise your team has the potential of wasting time and even money on tasks that won’t do much to further your goals.

An example of this is launching an ad campaign on a social network, only to realize that engagement and results were poor. Well, had you started with a strategic plan, you may have realized that your target audience doesn’t even use that particular social network. That’s just one example, but there are other circumstances that we’ve seen where clients have wasted their time with activities that didn’t matter in the long run.

It all starts with the marketing strategy, and it takes time to create a good one. There’s a lot of analysis that goes into it, both the existing analytics data and also analyzing the competition. Although it takes time to do it right, it’s worth the effort. It takes a lot of hours to do this right, and you might not have the resources in-house to pull this off.

Build and Manage a Marketing Team

Do you need help with hiring a marketing team? You not only need to find the right people, but you need to find the right people that fit the roles you need. You can’t just hire a bunch of marketing people with random titles because you don’t know if their titles connect to what your business actually needs. The hires need to complement the overall marketing strategy, or else you could waste valuable time and money.

And a “team” doesn’t always need to signify “employees”. You have many choices that include bringing in contractors and hiring an agency to do the work. A good Fractional CMO will help you sort through all the choices.

More than anything, a Fractional CMO helps you focus on cultivating a growth mindset companywide. It is this mindset that will help you connect your business with the future. It keeps you agile and allow you to make changes that will drive growth even further. They are skilled at viewing all the pieces and helping you discover the way forward so that you meet your goals.