3 Easy Ways to Enhance Your SEO Content

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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The word is out: content is king. We’ve been hearing it for years but it’s clear that website owners are finally getting behind the statement. Essentially, everyone is creating content. The problem is, a lot of this content is sub-par, at best, which means that there’s still opportunity for your content to stand out. In addition to writing content that your target audience wants to read (which should be obvious), here are a few easy ways to enhance your SEO content:

Proofread it

The number of simple spelling/grammar errors found in website content is astounding. It’s almost as if writers want to get their content out so quickly that they don’t even bother going through the proofreading and editing process. This is really a shame. No matter how great a content topic might be, or how well-researched, the writer (and company they represent) automatically loses credibility when there are spelling and grammar errors found in website content. A mistake might happen every so often, but if nearly every new blog post has even one small infraction, it speaks volumes. Those responsible for website content should have their work edited by another professional. If that’s not possible, they should spend some time away from the content before editing it (even just a few hours) and come back to it with fresh eyes.

Add media

For the search engine spiders, text content is the top priority, but remember, you should be writing for your target audience first, search spiders second. Visuals and other media can really help enhance content in a way that makes it more shareable (and link worthy). Photos, videos, charts, graphs, and infographics that display complex data in an easy to consume way will separate one piece of content from the next that doesn’t include useful visuals. An image can increase the click through rate of content in social media, too, since the visual draws the eye to the content. Paid image sites are typically the best bet but there are some good free ones, too.

Include outbound links

One way to prove that your content is reputable is to link to your sources. When you share the content, tag sources in social media. This is a way to get noticed in the industry and can result in social shares from other industry thought leaders.

These are important things to keep in mind when creating new SEO content, but you can also use these tactics to go back and improve existing content. Use your Analytics data to pull a list of your top performing content and re-visit it and make small tweaks to improve it in order to deliver even more traffic to those pages.