Make Sure Your Digital Marketing Website Serves Multiple Purposes

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to digital marketing, you need to make sure that your website serves multiple roles. If it is tipped too far in one direction, such as designed to really make a hard sell, then it won’t be as effective. People at all stages of the sales cycling will be visiting, and not everyone wants to see a hard sell.

Websites should also focus on lead generation. Lead generation is the process of finding prospects (your target audience) who are interested in your service or product. A website that is geared toward sales doesn’t help to generate leads to begin with. Without leads, how would you make sales?

By creating too much content that is geared toward making sales, instead of lead generation, you will likely run into some problems. Here are some things to think about:

Content Intended for Lead Generation Shouldn’t Include Sales Info

The sole purpose of your website should be to generate new leads on a regular basis. If the website is designed with sales in mind, this can interfere with lead generation. When you are sales-oriented and your website reflects this, you will turn your visitors off and they are likely to leave your website and not return. Why is this?

When people visit your website, it’s because they are seeking out information. When they did a search engine or social media search, they were looking for specific information or help on a topic. Imagine they are introduced to your content and click on the link only to come face-to-face with sales information within the content. The reader will likely end up feeling frustrated because they feel tricked. This will not make a good impression on your business.

Interruption Marketing Doesn’t Benefit Lead Generation

Interruption marketing is when you interrupt a visitor’s experience on your website by introducing a promotion message. A person will come to your website with a goal. Usually, that goal is to read a piece of content that will offer them high-quality information that they were looking for. If you employ interruption marketing on your website, visitors may end up feeling deceived. They will get the impression that you don’t necessarily care about offering them said information, but more about making sales. This is not appealing to visitors of your website.

Imagine that someone is searching for information on your industry because they are thinking of getting into the industry as well. You come up as a result in their search as a knowledgeable source of information, so they visit your website or blog in hopes of learning more. The content starts off well, but suddenly you are talking about your business and how it can help them to succeed.

While this might seem helpful in your mind, because you have experience, the reader will feel as though you are trying to sell them something, which you are. This can cause your business to suffer because readers won’t come back for more if they are expecting a sales-pitch any time they try to learn through your content.

If you don’t interrupt your content with sales-oriented writing, readers will be more likely to come back because they know they can trust you to offer what they need. In this situation, visitors are more likely to sign up for your newsletter. Now they have become a lead that can be nurtured.