Digital Marketing Tasks To Perform When Starting Your Business

Categorized in: B2B Digital Marketing
When you’ve started a new business, it’s normal to want to get word out about it as soon as possible. You want to create a business plan as well as a marketing plan, specifically digital marketing, that will help people find you.
Since you may have limited resources, you will want to carefully plan out which tasks to prioritize and which to hold off on until later. It might seem like a good idea to invest what budget you do have in digital marketing, but before you begin, it’s good to lay down a good foundation. Here are a few things you can do when you start your new business:
Create A Business Website
Your website is going to be the foundation of your business, making it an important piece of your digital marketing campaign. You want your new website to be the best it can be, so working with a website company might be a good idea if you don’t have the necessary skills. It’s important to let whoever you hire know exactly what your business needs from your website.
For example, navigation should be easy for the user. They should be able to find what they need quickly. Pages should also load fast as users don’t want to wait around. This also applies to mobile pages, as many people use their phones to search, read, and shop. Once you have your website set up, you can begin the next phase.
Add Content To Your Website
Once you have your website up and running, it’s time to add high-quality content. This is where your content marketing will get its start. You can certainly outsource this task, but in the beginning, it’s not necessary. It’s also better to handle content yourself at first so that you can focus on your goals, appealing to your target audience, and your brand’s identity. Once you have content on your website, you can begin sharing it on your social media accounts, which leads to the next tip.
Create Your Social Media Presence
A social media presence is going to help greatly with your digital marketing, especially as a startup business. It’s an efficient way to share your content regularly and interact with your followers. Your social media accounts are a way for you to build your brand and connect with your target audience. You don’t have to use all of the social media platforms though. It’s important to do your research and find out which ones will work best for your business.
If your target audience is mainly using Twitter and Instagram, you want to focus your energy on those two platforms instead of attempting to appeal to everyone on all platforms. Make sure to post on your social media accounts consistently. In the future, if you want, you can hire someone to manage your accounts for you, but in the beginning, this is something you can handle on your own.
As a startup, there are things you want to do before you begin letting people know about your business. Setting up a website with some content already posted will give your audience something to read and post about. If they find your content valuable, they’ll follow you for more.