Avoid Making Digital Marketing Saturated

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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We all know that the core of digital marketing is to keep yourself in front of your target audience. Staying visible means showing up in multiple places where your target audience is. This includes social media, in the search engines, through your content, in a newsletter, through digital advertising, and a host of other tactics that will allow the right people to find you.

The problem with this is that, although it can be effective, your audience will also get used to. If they have “blindness” towards your marketing efforts because they’ve gotten so used to you being around where they are online, will they click? The common theory is that yes, they will click on your links eventually, but the reality is that this is not necessarily the case.

You Don’t Want to Saturate Your Audience

The bottom line is that you don’t want to saturate your audience. You want to find a balance between being there when they want what you’re offering and being their “too” often. If they develop “ad blindness” they may be subconsciously ignoring you, and you will lose your opportunity to turn them into paying customers. You want to find the sweet spot mix for your business. You don’t want to saturate them and overdo it, but you also don’t want to be so conservative that they don’t even see you.

How do you do this? Well, there’s no truly easy way to answer it except to say that, “it depends”. Consider the behaviors of your audience, the way things are typically done in your industry, and other factors. It could take some trial and error to find the sweet spot, but initial data can give you your best guess and a good place to start.

Honor the Seasonality of Your Business

One way to discover if you are blinding your audience with your constant presence is to back off from marketing during your “off season”. Most businesses have a seasonal trend to work with, but the trick is that you have to have been in business long enough to know what it is. The trends begin with your industry patterns, but then can later be confirmed by having a few years’ worth of analytical data to analyze.

If you spend money, time, and other in-house resources marketing a lot during your off-season, this could all be wasted effort. Even worse, this could be where the “blindness” originates. If it’s an off peak time, chances are pretty good your typical audience won’t care either way if you exit or not. They’ll start to ignore your ads, and this will carry over into your busy season.

Give Your Online Presence an Occasional Reset

It’s not good to run the same ads year after year, or post the same kinds of content, or not give your website a refresh now and then. If people become used to the way your online presence looks and feels, they will begin to ignore it. If you adopt a mindset of at least occasional change, this can help keep your target audience engaged and paying attention to what you have to offer.

Although the digital landscape is saturated, you don’t have to be part of the problem. Take the time to find out your sweet spot of getting in front of the right audience, but also not inundating them to the point where they start to ignore you. To help keep them interested, consider honoring the seasonality of your business and also give your online appearance an occasional reset to improve engagement.