Digital Marketing Requires No Ego

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When creating a digital marketing strategy for your business, it is true that you want to have a plan that will maximize your results. You basically have several choices when strategizing – you can develop the strategy in-house, you can partner with a digital marketing agency, or you can do a combination of the two – develop the strategy in tandem with an agency.

No matter which you choose, there is one thing that is consistent. The priority has to be selecting a strategy that is aligned with your goals. There can’t be ego involved at all.

Put Aside Preconceived Ideas

Sometimes, when creating a digital marketing strategy, we may have preconceived ideas of what needs to get done. While having “gut instincts” is an important part of the process and should be honored, instincts need to align with data. Sticking to what “should work” is something that relies totally on ego, whereas data can prove that an approach will work. Not only that, but once a strategy is underway, data will show whether the approach was, in fact, the right one. Putting aside these preconceived ideas is often hard, and it takes a lack of ego in order to do it.

Be Careful of Over-Researching

When embarking on a new journey, such as overhauling your digital marketing strategy, the impulse you may have is to research the right approach. There is a lot of information out there, and there are also a lot of conflicting opinions. You could learn about digital marketing through courses, read articles, or gain it by experience. All of these methods of obtaining the knowledge are viable. The ultimate goal is to find the right strategy for your needs.

However, there is a danger in becoming “too” educated. Theories offer a great start, but at some point, you need to step away from the research and put some of the knowledge into practice. In fact, feeling knowledgeable, while a great thing, can also do more harm than good. It can cause the ego get in the way of progress.

Stick to What Has Been Time-Tested

When researching digital marketing information, you may notice that there is a lot of information on “new approaches”, and that could give the false impression that time-tested strategies won’t work. While it is a good idea to embrace new ways of doing things, the time-tested strategies shouldn’t be brushed aside in the process. A balance needs to be achieved between the two. Time-tested strategies will likely always work, and then new strategies can be incorporated with new experience.

What happens when someone tries to claim that the new strategies are better than the old? If this were to happen, it would be time to check the ego. Experience in execution should always take precedence. However, even in this case, it would be wrong for someone with a lot of experience to not embrace new experiences. This is caused by the ego, as well.

When it comes to digital marketing, it is so important to have an open mind. Embrace change when necessary, while also honoring the time tested strategies, will get you far and help you achieve the results you desire.