Transition Items Needed When Hiring a New Digital Marketing Company

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Are you thinking of changing digital marketing forms? Let’s imagine that you decided to work with us. What needs to be done in order for you to transition out of your relationship with your existing marketing firm? What items do we need in order to help the transition go smoothly?

Here’s a list of items that are needed when transitioning from one digital marketing company to another:


  • WordPress, Direct Login, or Other Content Management System
  • Hosting login and FTP information

Login for Google Products

  • Google Adwords
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics

Company Social Media Logins

  • Facebook Page
  • Twitter Account
  •  LinkedIN company page and/or any LinkedIN Groups
  • Instagram (if you have one)

Other Information (If Applicable)

  • Hubspot
  • Email Marketing Provider
  • CRM system
    – Any other 3rd party related tools that you might use
    – Photo website that you use for blog/content marketing (if applicable)

Here is a list of things it would be nice to see (if you have any of these items):


– Any keyword research, on site SEO, technical SEO documents.
– Last few reports from the previous firm (if you have this).
– Any link building documents that they completed (if applicable).

Content Marketing

What was your post content marketing strategy? This helps us when formulating your future strategy.

  • Content marketing and blog writing schedule, including approved articles and topics
  • Content marketing strategy (if applicable)

Link Building

Have you had a link building strategy in the past? If so, then please provide the strategy you had and list of any potential items that the previous firm executed for new links (if any).

Social Media Strategy

We will need the information for your current social media strategy and schedule if you have one. This helps us formulate a plan moving forward because it gives us an idea of what may have worked in the past and also what might need to change.


We can get all information we need once we get into your Adwords account, but anything on the PPC side that they may have tested that ties into the conversion side of things.

It is a good idea to make sure your company always maintains their own records, where they keep track of this information. Too often, we have seen clients depend too strongly on digital marketing firms that they have worked with. This means that sometimes, information could get lost. To prevent that from happening, clients should always keep track of this information. That way, if you do need to transition from one firm to the other, you will be ready!