Be Cautious When Digital Marketing Agencies Contact You

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Digital marketing firms aren’t hard to find. There are many of them, but they aren’t all created equally. Some of them will be better equipped to give you the results that you desire and do it in a way that’s ethical. Some digital marketing firms are more knowledgeable as they keep up with the industry on a regular basis. They know what’s working today as opposed to what worked a year ago.

It’s often a better sign if you were the one to seek out a digital marketing company, whether it be by a search online, through word of mouth, or other marketing channels. Many digital marketing companies will use marketing channels to get business. There is a group of firms though, that use what is known as “cold contacting.” This is when the firm contacts you out of the blue by phone or email. Here’s why you should be wary when you are contacted by a digital marketing company out of the blue:

They May Be Casting A Wide Net

When a digital marketing firm contacts you out of the blue, this could be a warning sign that they are casting a wide net. Why is this bad? First of all, they may not have the man-power if they happen to get a lot of interest in the services they are offering. Next, they may not have done their background research to find out if you’re a good fit for each other.

They may have compiled a list of people to contact with the only goal being to get more business. Another thing to consider is why a good digital marketing firm would need to cold contact to begin with. A respected firm with clients and good reviews and testimonials won’t have much need for cold contacting as people would likely be contacting them. Their business will speak for itself.

Cold Contacting Shows a Lack of Knowledge About Digital Marketing

As mentioned above, a reputable digital marketing company won’t need to cold contact to generate new clients. A good agency will have clients as well as reviews that back up their services. In addition, a good digital marketing firm will be able to be found when you do a search online. They will rank on the first page where many eyes will see them. A firm that feels it has to aggressively employ tactics such as cold contacting, likely doesn’t have clients or reviews to back up their claims of being a desirable company.

Another important point to consider about a digital marketing firm cold contacting you is that they are not practicing the exact techniques they likely claim will help you find success. Cold contacting wouldn’t be necessary if they were also implementing these practices. As a digital marketing firm, they should have a strong social media presence, high-quality content, and other marketing channels which will attract clients to them. If they are cold contacting for business, who’s to say they won’t suggest you do the same?

It’s a good idea to be cautious when a digital marketing firm contacts you without any prior interaction. If they have to cold contact in order to generate business, they might not be the right people to help you with your own digital marketing.