Digital Consultant vs. Agency:  Pros and Cons

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to outsourcing your digital marketing work, there are a few scenarios that you could choose from. For most businesses, it comes down to two options – whether to hire a digital marking consultant or an agency. There is no “one size fits all” approach here, and ultimately businesses need to do what is best for the businesses needs, goals, and a variety of other factors.

Not only that, but each option has its own pros and cons. Here’s a rundown of what these pros and cons are, because this is the information you will need to help you decide whom to hire:

Should You Hire a Digital Marketing Consultant?


Consultants are highly experienced professionals with a deep understanding of the market and industry. They can provide valuable advice on maximizing campaign returns and effectively reaching customer segments.

They have the expertise needed to develop long-term strategies that will bring success over time. This makes them ideal for companies looking to build their reputation and increase sales. They work closely with clients to develop a great strategy to help the business succeed because they are skilled at aligning the business goals with the digital marketing plan.


A major con of hiring a digital consultant is that they don’t execute the work. For a large company with a sizable marketing department, this isn’t an issue. In fact, it might be preferred to work with a consultant if this is the case.

For businesses that don’t have in-house marketing resources, a consultant might be a waste of time. If the business does not have the means to execute the work themselves, and the consultant likely can’t do it, hiring a consultant could be a waste of money.

Should You Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?


Basically, a great digital marketing agency can do everything a consultant can do from a strategic perspective. The major difference between the two is that an agency also has the resources to execute the work. Agencies in general are skilled taskmasters, and a great agency will take the time to also craft a great plan that will give the business the results they desire.

They really take the time to get to know their client’s services and products, so they are in a better position to provide advice on how to reach potential customers with those products or services. They also can connect with influencers and other key players in the marketing world, which can help to boost the businesses reach.


Not every agency is created equally, and if you hire the wrong one, you could end up with an agency that doesn’t quite have the skillset you need to succeed. For example, some agencies may not be as great at creating strategies in the same way that a consultant could.

However, there are some agencies that have superior strategic skills, you just need to know how to find it. At the same time, not every consultant will be as great strategically as their marketing might claim. No matter who you hire, it is important to take the time to vet them to make sure they will be a good fit.