Why and When Do You Need a Digital Marketing Agency

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to your digital marketing, there are several activities that need to get done. You need someone to create a strategic plan, but you also need someone to execute the work and monitor progress. Beyond that, you need to figure out exactly who is going to do which task, and the answer to this question isn’t always straightforward.

In general, you will likely perform the work in-house, outsource the work, or a combination of both of these options. Hiring a digital marketing agency is a form of outsourcing, but before you dive in and take that option, it is important to understand exactly the right time to hire an agency.

Agencies Are Different Than Freelancers

Before you hire an agency, it is important to understand that there is a key difference between hiring freelancers and hiring an agency. In general, you pay freelancers only to execute the work. For example, you may hire a freelancer to write articles for your company blog, or copy for your website, but these freelancers are only just performing the work. All the strategic decisions concerning the details on how and what to write were determined in-house.

When you hire a digital agency, you should understand that you are getting more than just a freelancer to execute the work. You are getting a level of expertise that most freelancers don’t have, and you are also paying money to have access to this expertise. This means that most agencies thrive when they determine the strategy that they will then execute.

When Should You Hire an Agency?

In other words, whenever you hire an agency, you should expect them to do more than just execute the work. This means that if all you want is someone to do the work, an agency isn’t really worth your time and money. Hiring some freelancers to do the work is your best bet in this case.

So, when should you hire an agency for your digital marketing? Here are some of the ideal situations that will make hiring one your best bet:

  • They give strategic advice. If you need someone to overhaul your existing strategy or create a new one altogether, you should hire an agency. After all, you are paying for their knowledge and expertise!
  • Work will be performed by experts. When you hire freelancers, it is really difficult to know how much expertise they really have. With an agency, chances are pretty good that you are hiring the top talent in their fields.
  • Assess results and make adjustments. A good agency will monitor your progress, provide reports, and know when it is time t make strategic changes. Of course, freelancers aren’t in tune with your results, and it is up to you to determine if changes need to be made when you outsource to one.

Of course, the above advice about agencies all assume that you will be hiring an excellent one for your digital marketing.  You won’t get the results you expect if you hire one that’s subpar.