How Demographics Shape Content Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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It’s true that every business needs a solid content marketing strategy. Where content marketing thrives is that it enables businesses to connect directly with their ideal audience. This means that every piece of content that is created needs to be done with the audience in mind. They need to be happy and find value in what you are creating.

So, who is your audience? This is exactly why you need to think about their demographics. Knowing as much as you can about the audience will benefit you greatly because it will give you a greater chance of connecting with them. Here’s a look at why demographics are so important for content marketing.

Determine Your Target Audience

One of the most important functions of knowing your demographics is that it helps you understand your target audience. Knowing who they really are will increase the likelihood that you will connect with them. Yet, we have seen businesses get this wrong all the time. They somehow miss the mark on who their audience really is. Sometimes the expectations of what the audience is, versus what the audience actually is, don’t always match up.

Using demographics data, you can determine who your audience really is. From there, you can discover how to create content that appeals to who they really are. You can only do this by known the demographics in the first place.

Use Content Formats That Appeal to the Target Audience

Chances are pretty good that your target audience has a preference as to what kind of content they like to consume. For example, some audiences prefer to read, others prefer to watch videos. Most audiences have a mix of both preferences. Which are you? You won’t really know until you can analyze some demographics data.

However, keep in mind that there are benefits to written content. They tend to perform better under certain circumstances, such as the industry, the demographics, and more. The main idea is to know the demographics inside and out so you could make informed decisions about content formats. It also helps to know what the competition is doing.

Demographics Information Helps You Nail the Tone

This is often a forgotten detail, but demographics information can help you nail the tone, messaging, and writing style. These are details that will change depending on who is reading the content. Meaning, your demographics could change your writing style. However, you won’t know this unless you understand what the writing style actually is!

How does this work? Well, if you know that your demographics are in a certain age range and have a certain professional level, then you will know how to tweak the content writing style. This is an important detail that most people don’t realize. It is one of the most important ways that demographics can impact content.

As you can see, you need to know your demographics in order to know how to create content that connects to them. After all, your demographics represent your audience, and it is these people who will (hopefully) become paying customers.