Demographics Play a Role in Your SEO

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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These days, SEO is looked at as a vital part of any B2B digital marketing strategy, but it also stands on its own, as well. There are a variety of factors that impact SEO, and each of these holds important. One of the biggest, and perhaps most underrated factors, are demographics. They absolutely play a role in your SEO in ways that you may not even realize. Here’s a deeper dive into how this could be the case:

Consider Which Demographics Impact SEO

When we perform searches online, we are part of a demographic and we may not even realize it. We have an age, preferences, lifestyle, location, education level and other factors that may or may not be part of a larger pattern for those particular searches. Imagine that you may have clicked on a company website from this search area.  Now, you are part of a collective – a group of people who may be interest in their business.

This is exactly why demographics information is so important. Knowing it can get a business one step closer to nailing down its ideal, target audience. Sometimes, what a business thinks might be its target, versus what is actually happening, don’t always sync up. However, success at using demographics all starts with understanding how they can correlate to SEO.

Role of Demographics in SEO

So, how do demographics affect SEO? What role do they play? Here’s a look at how they can impact your efforts, and how these can help you in the long run:

  • Keywords. Knowing your demographics can impact your keyword targeting because different demographics have a tendency to search for information differently. Keep this detail in mind when selecting keywords to work with in your SEO strategy.
  • Content. Since content has an impact on SEO, it makes sense to consider it. Demographics will impact the style and tone for how you write for the audience. This, in turn, will impact whether or not you connect with the right audience or not.
  • Geography. Location-based demographics information becomes relevant if you have a business that depends on location. If you notice that people in the wrong locations are finding your information, you need to tweak your targeting a bit via your SEO in order to get closer to the location you want.
  • Intent. Search intent is an important detail for your SEO because this will impact the types of keywords you choose and what to do with them. This is an important demographics detail for you to take into account.

How to Use Demographics Information

So, how exactly do you use this demographics information for SEO? The reality is, demographics should always be top of mind, since they impact SEO even if you may not realize it. You can gain data from different analytics platforms, and from there, you can formulate a plan on how to handle it. Sometimes, it is best to simply observe the data for a time without taking action. Your goal is to find patterns and not react too rashly.

As you can see, demographics are an important thing to consider for SEO. If you think about it, they affect almost everything you do, including creating content and researching keywords. You need to always make sure you to connect with the right audience.