Definition of Blog Comments

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Blog comments are comments, questions, and opinions that are left by readers at the end of a blog. Having comments enabled on your blog has a number of benefits for both you and your readers.

One of the greatest benefits to having a comment section enabled on your blog is to create a two-way dialogue between yourself and your readers. Readers who not only take time out of their day to read your blog but also leave comments are invaluable. Instead of just reading and leaving, they comment to say they enjoyed your blog piece, ask a question, or share their own opinion, which may reflect yours or differ from yours. Replying to these comments gives you the opportunity to interact with readers and let them know you appreciate their time.

Are blog comments always beneficial? The biggest issue that comes with enabling blog comments these days is spam. Comments can be moderated, which will allow you to delete spam messages, but this can become a very time-consuming task. Other than disabling comments altogether, there is another option to help combat spam comments. Allowing comments to be open for a certain amount of time before being automatically deleted. This will also delete comments from readers, but allow you the chance to respond before they are gone so readers know you care.

How else can blog commenting be beneficial? Blog commenting allows instant feedback from readers. Maybe your blog post was great, but you missed an important point, idea, or tip that a reader can point out. If you write about a service or product you sell, visitors to your blog may have input about them that will help you improve how you do business. Enabling comments can help you improve as a blogger and businessperson.

Blog comments can also help you to generate more blog post ideas. Coming up with new topics on a regular basis isn’t always easy. People who comment on your blog may ask questions that would be best answered with a well thought out blog post. Readers may also suggest blog posts they would like to see. This gives you the chance to learn more as well. You may have to do more research to create the new blog post.

In addition to receiving comments on your blog, commenting on blogs you read also has its advantages. Just like when others comment on your blog, you can get a two-way conversation going and interact with someone you admire. If you are in the same industry, you can share ideas. One of the greatest benefits to commenting on someone else’s blog is the option to leave a link to your own website or blog. This can help you generate more views of your own blog.

While there are pros and cons to having comments enabled on your blog, you’ll find that the benefits are well-worth having them enabled. Commenting helps to start conversations, build community, generate ideas, and improve your blog and business.


Blog Comments Definition Sources:

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