Crafting Customer Journeys for Growth Marketing

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Growth marketing is a core marketing strategy that helps businesses scale rapidly by using data to fuel their marketing. One of the ways this can be applied is when crafting customer journeys. After all, it is the customer that truly matters while growing. This is because the customer is the one that will embrace the product or not, so what they need matters.

That is why it is so important to analyze the customer journey. You want to deliver them with the information they need in order to ultimately choose your offering. Here’s more information on how to create a customer journey to fuel growth marketing:

Get to Know Your Customer Segmentation

The whole process begins by analyzing your customer segmentation. Chances are pretty good that you will have customers in a variety of demographics. IN order to effectively map the customer journey, you need to know what these segments are before you can get started. In this process, you divide your customers into segments based on demographics data like age, location, behaviors, or needs.

This is a part of the process that actually requires a lot of data. Possible data to use in your analysis includes website analytics data, competitor information, feedback from existing customers, a list of customer behaviors, lists of their needs, and even purchase history. Your goal is to look at the information to try to find patterns that will lead you to creating the customers segments.

You can then use the data to create personas about each segment. These personas will have information in it such as their needs and wants, challenges, and even their goals. This will help you better determine how you can help these customers with your product or service.

Create a Unique Customer Experience for Each Segment

Since each segment will be driven by different things, you should create a customized experience for each segment. In this way, you can tailor the customer journey to each segment’s unique characteristics. Personalization can occur at various stages of the journey, including at the first touchpoint all the way up to after the purchase itself.

When crafting your wider digital marketing strategy, it might be worth your while to create different experiences depending on the segment. Sure, some of your marketing might be the same, but there should be some differences. You can use customer data to create unique emails, to deliver more personalized ads, and to even create a unique experience on your website.

The theory is that this personalization will make the customer feel valued, therefore resulting in larger conversions. Besides that, it can also boost customer loyalty and help you create a stronger brand.

Another final point is that once you think you have this all mapped out, you might need to make some changes as you go along. You could analyze the data as much as you want, but you won’t really know if it’s working until the strategies are underway. Be sure to give yourself enough time to see if a strategy works, but also don’t be afraid to make adjustments if you feel it’s needed.

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