5 Tips for Curating Social Media Content

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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If you’ve decided to make this the year that you really take action when it comes to content marketing and social media- congratulations! As you’ve probably noticed (and likely why you’ve waited this long to get going in the first place), it takes a lot of hard work and time to create high quality content on an ongoing basis. You may be lucky to publish one new blog post a week. However, that doesn’t mean that you only have one thing to publish in social media a week. As you work on building up your portfolio of original content, you can spend time-sharing the content of others in social media.

5 Tips for Curating Social Media Content

Here are 5 tips for curating social media content:

Share content that’s relevant
The content/links that get shared on a business social media page need to be relevant to the business. Anything that’s off topic can confuse followers. Even if you aren’t the one creating the content, it needs to be something that you could create, or would like to create (if you had the time). In fact, this type of content is a great resource when creating content of your own. You might not want to share the work of your competitors but content that’s produced by industry publications, events, or other thought leaders in the space works well.

Read it through first
Before hitting the “share” or “re-tweet” button on an article, make sure to take the time to read it through first to ensure its accuracy and quality. Just because the title looks good doesn’t mean the article itself is actually good. By sharing content with your followers, it essentially says that you agree with it and are vouching for it unless of course you specifically say otherwise.

Add some insight
You may not have created the content, but you can add a quick insight or blurb to the social share in order to add your own voice. To give yourself some additional space in the post, shorten the URL. Including an interesting opinion, quote, or stat from the article gives more insight into what it’s about and can increase the click through rate.

Mention the author and anyone referenced
Always make it known that this article didn’t come from you. Include the handle of the author and anyone prominently referenced in the article as space allows. When you do this, these people are more likely to notice the post and may be willing to return the favor by following you and sharing your work.

Utilize hashtags
What are the hashtags that could be used with the article? Include a few in the post so that it can be found when users search for the topic. This increases your visibility on social media sites and can increase your follower count over time.