Don’t Make These Costly SEO Mistakes

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Search engine optimization is an essential component of online marketing since an organic search presence for targeted keywords will result in website visitors which can lead to sales and conversions. Most website owners know this today and understand that they need to get involved in this “SEO thing.” However, before beginning an SEO campaign, it’s important to understand exactly what you should be doing. There is good SEO and bad SEO and if you don’t know the difference and end up doing bad SEO, it can end up costing you big time. Here are some of the costliest SEO mistakes being made:

Focusing on quantity of content instead of quality

You’ll hear it over and over: content is king! And while content certainly is an essential piece of the SEO puzzle, it’s only going to help you if it’s good. Poor quality, thin content can actually hurt you in the long run. Carefully consider your resources and establish a content schedule that works for you. Unless you’re a huge corporation, you likely don’t have the resources to be publishing multiple, high-quality blog posts a day. And that’s OK. Always keep in mind that it’s quality that matters the most.

Skipping out on research

SEO is like any other marketing function. You’re not going to run an ad campaign without researching demographics, right? The same is true for SEO. Before investigating link opportunities on a website or sitting down to write a blog post, you need to spend time researching your target audience and what information they are looking for online.

Obtaining every possible link

There might have been a time when any link from any website was going to help boost your organic search presence. Those days are long gone. Website owners need to be picky about link opportunities, especially since very few links are easy to obtain. Many websites want something in return, such as an informational blog post, in order to give you a link. It takes time and resources to write a great blog post. There’s no sense in wasting that time just to get a link from a general article site that isn’t even in your niche. You’re much better off posting it on your own blog.

Taking breaks

SEO should be never-ending. Website owners should always be writing great content, sharing in social media, looking for new link opportunities, and optimizing new web pages. Taking this approach is the only way to continue to see a gradual uptick in organic visitors over time. So many website owners think that it’s OK to take a break once they start to see some results. While they might be OK for a short period of time, this is something we never recommend. Organic traffic will likely start trending back downward to correlate with any break in SEO work.

There might not be a direct cost associated with SEO work, since you aren’t paying the search engines directly for a listing like PPC. However, all the work involved certainly is a cost item. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you’re spending your time as wisely as possible and avoiding mistakes that will end up costing you.