Don’t Take a Cookie Cutter SEO Approach

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Are you looking to hire a digital marketing service provider to take care of your search engine optimization? If so, it’s important to do your research in advance so you can know if you are a good fit to work with one another.

Depending on the industry you are in, you might find that there are SEO companies that specialize in it. At first glance this might seem like the best option. You know they have experience in your industry, so why not? One of the biggest issues with these types of companies is that they d=tend to take a cookie cutter approach with the SEO program. Your company is unique, and therefore your digital marketing should be, as well:

Here are some important reasons why you’ll want to work with a digital marketing agency that creates a unique plan just for you:

Understand the Evolution of SEO

Working with a specialized SEO firm might have been a good idea 5+ years ago, but the industry as a whole has changed drastically since then. The search engines have made major updates to their algorithms and SEO tactics that worked in the past (reproducing content, link exchanges, etc.) are no longer effective and can even harm your site.

In order for an SEO program to be successful today, everything needs to be customized. A specialized SEO provider is likely going to be doing the same things for you as they are for all of their other clients which results in nearly identical strategies. Even if you’re in the same industry, it doesn’t mean that your companies are the same, which is why the campaign needs to be customized.

Make Sure the Methods Are Innovative

It’s easy for specialized SEO providers to get stuck in a rut. Since they’re always working with the same types of clients, they do the same things over and over. There’s no reason to get creative and think outside of the box. The campaign might not necessarily fail, but it’s also not getting the opportunity to really take off and separate from the pack. You don’t want a company that takes a stale approach!

Take Advantage of All Opportunities

Specialized SEO companies can lump everyone together and assume that what does or doesn’t work for one company will be the same for another company in the same industry. So they’ll plug what does work into your campaign without being thorough and starting from scratch. They’ll likely skip over keyword research completely and incorporate the same keywords they’ve been using for years into your website content. Links will come from the same sites as their other clients. Essentially, it’s lazy SEO and will stifle results.

Cookie-Cutter Firms Give You Fewer Options

Even if there are a handful of SEO firms that specialize in your industry, you’ll have many more options if you work with an SEO firm that does not specialize. Remember, just because they specialize does not mean that they are the best choice. Any reputable SEO firm will be able to work closely with you to devise a strategy that meets your needs.

Never assume that a specialized SEO provider is the best choice for the mere fact that they have experience in your industry. It doesn’t always mean that that experience is positive! Investigate all of your options and consider working with an SEO generalist that can develop a customized SEO strategy.