Content Should Own the Vertical

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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As someone overseeing a business, you want to focus on what you specialize in. By owning the vertical, you will draw in your target audience and establish yourself as an authority. The question becomes, then, how exactly do you achieve this? Content marketing is becoming recognized as one of, if not the, best way for businesses to own the vertical. Here’s what you should know:

Video Content Hits the Mark

Consumers prefer to learn about brands and products through content, specifically video content. Video content is engaging and more likely to capture your target audience’s attention. While text content has its place, video can explain information in a way that can help viewers retain the information. It’s more memorable than text or graphics alone. Using sound, visuals, and motion together helps the viewers stay engaged and remember your business. Other benefits of video content include:

  • drives more traffic to your website
  • boosts your conversions
  • allows you to communicate with potential and current customers

Content Makes You Visible

Every business wants to be seen. A business that wants to grow needs to be seen on a regular basis in order for people to become familiar with it. There is no better way to achieve this than through content. Content is everywhere: social media, business websites, industry blogs, and search engines. Search engine algorithms favor websites that not only have high-quality content, but consistent content for visitors to consume. Your organic traffic will increase as your content becomes more visible. Your content can improve the online presence of your brand, increase follower growth, increase subscriber numbers, and build brand equity.

Content Encourages Communication

Content isn’t a one-way street. Content is the perfect way to communicate with your target audience whether they are already customers or potential customers. Consumers want to know that you are approachable and that you care about them. When you post on social media, anyone who reads your content has the ability to respond by commenting or asking a question. This type of communication between you and consumers will benefit your business.

Target Your Content

Your business has a specific demographic and it’s important to target them with your content. You want to provide them with high-quality content that tells them who you are, what you do, and why you do it the best. To own the vertical, you need to discover exactly what content your target audience likes to consume.

If they enjoy reading news, provide them with news that centers around the products or services you offer. Your goal is to attract your target audience with niche content. Vertical content is more focused, so you want to dig deep instead of offering general content they can find anywhere.

To own the vertical, content is key. Content marketing is all about building a relationship with your intended audience. Your content needs to be directed specifically at them and their needs. Being able to hone in on your target audience will help you to create consistent and quality content that readers will love.