Content Marketing Strategy Advice

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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The success of your marketing and your business relies heavily on your content marketing strategy. A successful content marketing strategy will help you to reach your audience, grow a larger following, and increase conversions. Your strategy needs to focus not just on your brand and business, but on your customers. Your target audience should be the focus of your content.

Your content marketing strategy should be aligned with all aspects of your business, otherwise it will fail. Content strategy focuses on customers and should align with your businesses. Here’s some advice for creating your content marketing strategy:

Know Your Business Goals

In order to create effective content, you should have clearly defined business goals. When you know your business goals, you can create content that is aligned with them. When people read your content, whether on your website, blog, or social media accounts, they will know what you’re about. The goal of your content marketing should be to support your business.

If you have a goal to drive more traffic to your website, is your content supporting that effort? To achieve this particular goal, your content needs to be compelling enough to make readers want more. This can be through making them an offer on a product or service or sharing information with them that makes them want to know more. Review and adjust your goals and content marketing strategy regularly in order to continue on the right path.

Understand Target Audience

Your business goals matter, but your target audience should be of equal focus when considering your content marketing strategy. When you attract your target audience, you increase your following, traffic to your business website, and conversions. Without your target audience, all other goals will fall short of success. The content you create must appeal to them by offering something they want or need, whether it be information, entertainment, or solutions to problems. By understanding your target audience, you will be able to accurately research and pinpoint the keywords they are searching for, which will result in them finding you.

Use Available Metrics

Having clearly defined goals is great, but you need to know that your content marketing is successful. Tracking things such as lead generation and organic traffic are easy to track by measuring them in relation to how much increase occurs as you publish fresh content. There are others that are not as direct, such as brand awareness, which requires a proxy metric such as branded search traffic or direct traffic to the homepage.

If your business goal is to increase email subscriptions, the metrics you can use include email subscribers and weekly email subscriber growth. If your business goal is to increase organic traffic, organic search traffic and your search engine results based on specific keywords. By using metrics available to you, you can make sure that your content marketing strategies are aligned with your business goals.

Simplify Your Tactics

Knowing your business goals and the metrics used to measure your success will enable you to only partake in tactics that align with them. If, for example, your business goal is to increase organic traffic, you know that keywords will be important because the metric you use is related to them. Your tactics will be keyword-focused and link-building focused. You want to focus on all areas of content marketing, but you want to be specific about what your content marketing activities will be instead of wasting time with tactics that don’t propel you forward.

Your content marketing strategy should focus on your target audience and your business goals. By identifying your business goals, you will figure out how to track progress, and tactics to implement to make them happen. Don’t underestimate the power that aligning your content to your target audience and business goals will have on your success.