Determine Your Ideal Content Mix

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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In digital marketing, content creation is paramount to the success of your product. The more content you have, the higher chances for new traffic. The trick to finding your ideal content mix comes down to personal preference and what works for your audience. Content mix refers to the distribution of your content across specific sites and mediums to make it as convenient for your audience to find as possible. Using the following guide, you can calculate your ideal content mix based on the goals of your business and then find a way to make it happen.

1. Do Your Research

The first thing to do before deciding on your content mix is to look at your competition. By observing how they are marketing themselves, you can learn what types of content are most effective for your audience. Then, you can try different methods and see which ones work best for you and your brand.

For location-based businesses, check out sites like Yelp and Groupon to see what they’re doing and how it’s working. Also, consider direct competitors if you have them. Also, look at what your customers are saying on social networks like Facebook.

2. Designating Your Key Mediums

Next, you need to figure out which media is the most likely to bring in your target audience. For example, if you’re selling a service that caters to dog-lovers and has a tendency of attracting those who know their breeds more than average, WordPress would have a better chance at bringing you traffic than Pinterest.

In this case, WordPress would be better suited to bring in dog-lovers than Pinterest. If you’re selling a service that caters to dog owners and has a tendency of attracting those who know their breeds more than average, WordPress would have a better chance at bringing you traffic than Pinterest. You can set up keyword lists and analyze your results to determine what works best for your site and audience type.

3. Evaluate Your Audience

Once you’ve found your ideal media to use, you need to determine the aspects of your content most likely to appeal to your audience. Do they respond more to a humorous approach? Are they more inclined toward data-driven content? If so, you may want to include both approaches in your content mix.

Your audience may prefer specific sources of information if it comes from more authoritative sources like news organizations or magazines rather than blogs. If you’ve run a survey and determined that people are more likely to trust the information they get from these sources, you might want to include them in your content mix.

4. Choose Your Key Mediums Wisely

Once you’ve identified your ideal mediums, think of ways to use them strategically. You can also combine different media types on a single page to engage a broader range of your audience. When a reader first visits your site, for example, you could make use of a catchy headline and include an image to draw their attention, then use detail-oriented language and charts to go into more detail.

You can also mix different media types on a single page to engage a broader range of your audience. When a reader first visits your site, for example, you could use a catchy headline and include an image to draw their attention, then use detail-oriented language and charts to go into more detail.

5. Publish Regularly

Once you have your ideal content mix figured out, you need to take it to the next level. Set up an automated publishing schedule for daily or weekly posts and publish at least once a day or every other day. You’ll want to make your blog posts engaging and interesting enough that readers will want to come back for more. Also, be sure your key mediums are set up correctly so that new visitors can find the information they need.

6. Be Consistent

If you’re going to make your audience aware of your blog, you must make a name for yourself. Once they have subscribed to your blog, use social media to tell them about new posts. It is a great way to get new people interested in your content and make sure they see everything you publish.

7. Advertise Effectively

You may feel like advertising will be expensive or complicated, but it’s pretty easy once you know how it works. You can even use sites like AdWords and Facebook to try running ads for free to determine if both sites are consistent with your target audience. Once you’re comfortable with the process, you can begin making more money by offering SEO or PPC services for your clients.

The most important thing to remember when creating your ideal content mix is that it should be relevant to your brand and audience. If you can’t see your business benefitting from a particular type of content, ignore it or save it for later. You can use the information outlined here to set up an effective, productive, and ongoing operation that increases visibility and profits for your business. And in the end, that’s all that matters.