Content Tactics to Improve Brand Awareness

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Content MarketingThe number one thing that any online marketing professional will tell you that you need to be doing to succeed online is to be creating, publishing, and sharing content on a regular basis. If your business is smart you’ve gotten the hint and have started writing for a company blog and submitting articles to related industry sites.

This is a great start, but it may not be enough! In order to stick out it’s important to create different kinds of content beyond this. It really does help to spread your brand across more channels and certain content can help boost your links if positioned correctly.

Here are some additional content marketing tactics to try:


Despite what you may hear, email newsletter marketing is not an outdated or irrelevant marketing tactic, it still works! Email subscribers have opted in to receive messages from you. Even though social media may be viewed as the “cooler” alternative, people still check their email on a daily basis. Even if they don’t open every single one, it is still brand exposure. If you are tailoring your messages to meet a specific need and segmenting your list you will have a better open rate. Many people only use social media to connect with friends and family, not businesses. Email newsletters continue to be a good method of communication.


Video written on big blackboardOnline video marketing provides a huge area of opportunity for marketers because other businesses just aren’t doing it. While anyone can sit down and write a blog post (OK, maybe not anyone) it takes some technical skill to film, edit, and publish a video. However, many businesses over think this. A marketing video doesn’t need to be Emmy award winning. It simply needs to serve a purpose. It doesn’t even need to be complex. A simple how to video that shows a team member outlining some tips on a whiteboard is useful content.


Does your business have a positive reputation in the industry? If you’ve been able to make connections with likeminded business people, use those connections to your advantage and ask a series of important questions. There are multiple survey software options to use. If you are able to get a significant sample size, this data is beneficial and worthy of sharing.


Think about all of the power point presentations that your business creates for training sessions, consulting, meetings, speeches, pitches, etc. As long as the information isn’t confidential, slideshows are great content marketing collateral. Create a free account on a site like Slideshare and optimize the title and description so that it can appear in search.

Press Releases

Tablet computer on a desk - Press ReleaseSo your PR department is hard at work doing traditional PR, but what about online PR? Online PR has many benefits. Adding links to the release helps for SEO link building purposes and to generate traffic and online press releases help control a brand image online. Press releases appear prominently in the search engines for branded search terms.

White Papers

When a white paper is written correctly, its sole purpose is to educate, not sell. This can help round out your content marketing campaign because it gives your readers a substantial take on a topic that is relevant to your niche and also to their needs. They not only help make your existing customers happy, but also bring in leads!


Social networks such as Vine, Pinterest, and Instagram are driven by images and/or micro videos. If your customer base frequents these social networks, it’s worth your while to share these images and videos with your customer base. However, it’s only worth your while if you know your customers regularly interact here – but they’re definitely worth considering.

When you create a content marketing plan, it’s all too easy to stick with only one or two types of content. Most businesses regularly post articles on their blogs, but fail to use the other content tactics to the best of their ability. Trying these other content tactics can help round out your content marketing nicely by giving your brand a wider scope.