Track These Content Marketing KPI’s to Measure Success

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Do you have a content marketing strategy that you have been implementing for some time? If so, how is it doing? You should know the answer to that question, and if you don’t, it is time to nail down some KPI’s to track so that you can assess progress. In other words,  KPI’s in relation to content marketing are a way for you to measure how your strategy is actually doing. Here are some KPI’s that you should consider tracking for content marketing, if you aren’t doing so already:

Unique Visits

Unique visits are an important measurement of how your site traffic is doing.  It’s a pretty standard metric for content marketing. Unique visits measure how many people have visited the site once. Increased unique holidays mean your content marketing strategy is booming, and more people are coming to the area than before. A lower number of unique visitors may mean that users aren’t as interested in your content as they used to be.


If one of your business objectives is to convert traffic to leads, you should set up conversion tracking in relation to your content pages, especially if there is a call to action, such as a contact form, on the page. Your goal is to track the rate at which visitors to those pages take action. If conversions increase, it means more people are responding well to your content. If conversions decrease, it could mean that your content isn’t resonating.

Time on Site

Time on site is a measure of how long a visitor spends on on your website during a particular visit. For content marketers, it could show whether or not people are sticking around long enough to actually read the content. If your average time on site numbers are low, it could signify that your content isn’t resonating. If it is high, it could mean that people are reading your content.

Organic Traffic

SEO is an essential part of content marketing, which means that you should track organic traffic to see how your content is performing overall. If your organic traffic is increasing, it means that your content is getting more visibility in the search engines. If it is gaining more visibility, it could also signify that the search engines believe that your content is relevant to your audience. This is a win win.

Traffic Sources

Knowing where people are coming from can be crucial in tracking KPIs for content marketing. For example, if you are promoting content on social media, and your traffic from these sites is increasing, this could be a good sign that the content is resonating with your audience. If traffic is decreasing, your content may not be resonating with the audience and might not perform as well in the various traffic sources.

KPI’s can help you measure how well your content marketing is performing. If you aren’t tracking them, it will be hard to know how the content is doing. You should track these numbers over time to get a clear idea if your content marketing is on the right track.