How Content Impacts Your Brand

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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content strategy conceptThese days, marketing departments have at least a basic understanding of how content impacts the brand as a whole. The goal is to build a “content brand”, which is a form of business storytelling that puts the needs of the audience in the forefront. In fact, a skilled writer can do more than that – they have an intuitive understanding of human nature, and they know how this relates to every part of the sales cycle.

In other words, great writers understand exactly how people make their buying decisions in a way that not only resonates with the audience, but also benefits the business itself. That’s why great content is such a vital part of our strategy for our full service SEO clients. We understand that excellent content is not only important for the search engines, but that it impacts your brand as a whole.

Here’s a list of some of the reasons why content can help build your brand:

Increases Brand Engagement

Creating excellent content is a great way to increase your audience’s engagement with your brand. Once an informative piece of content is posted on your website, you can alert your audience via social media. If your content truly does strike a chord with people, they’ll click on the article, which will expose them to more information about your business. If they like what they leave, they will then enter the sales cycle.

Puts Your Audience First

Another way that content helps enhance your brand is by showing your audience that their needs are your highest priority. In an ideal world, your website content will help your business rank well in the search engines. However, it can’t be written as if that is your only goal. Optimized content can feel stilted, and many users may even find it unreadable. Great content puts your audience first while also being search engine friendly. Your audience should never feel as if they are second in line. Your content will show them that you’ve put them first.

Builds Brand Loyalty and Trust

When your content meets the needs of your audience, it not only improves engagement, it helps build brand loyalty. Once they begin to see your business as an authority in your niche, they’ll begin to engage with your brand at a more consistent rate. Over time, they will become loyal to your company and begin to use you as an exclusive source of information. Once their loyalty increases, you’ll also gain their trust. Over time, this will help turn transform them from website visitor to paying customer.

Of course, all of the above depends on how well the content is written. If you understand how to create content that people will love, it will do an even greater job of advancing your brand. By fully understanding what makes your audience tick, you’ll be able to put together a solid content marketing plan that will not only hit all parts of the sales cycle, but will also establish your credibility as a market authority.