Content Is the Foundation of SEO

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When building your presence online, it’s true that there are a lot of tools related to digital marketing to help build your presence. The purpose of SEO is to craft your website so that the search engines find your pages in a way that allows your audience to find them. Although there are a variety activities associated with effective SEO, none of them are as effective as content because it provides the very foundation of SEO.

Create Content with the Audience in Mind

Where a lot of people go wrong when writing content as part of an SEO program, is that they make the mistake of focusing on that one, singular task. The correct way to approach this is to determine what your audience actually is searching for online. Your content won’t have as much impact as it could unless you write it to please your audience.

This may seem a bit roundabout, but ultimately the search engines want to content you with your audience, so this is the best approach to pleasing both your audience and the search engines themselves. Many people make the mistake with SEO of leaving out the audience piece of the puzzle, but this isn’t the best approach.

Put Thought Into Your Static Content

The first tier of content to consider are the static pages on the website. These provide the foundation for your business, and they also create an anchor for the rest of your digital marketing going forward. The copy on these pages needs to be tight, and you should also spend time considering the SEO for these pages through thoughtful keyword optimization and writing unique title tags and meta descriptions.

A note on keyword research, though, is to make sure not to overdo it. Keywords should be relevant, and it is far better to not even think about them when writing the copy. Chances are that you will automatically work in relevant keywords as you are writing, anyway.

Develop a Content Schedule to Keep Things Fresh

The second tier of content that you will create has to do with your ongoing content schedule. These should be helpful pieces of content designed to help your audience learn about your industry, help them make product decisions, and maybe even do some pre-selling. Your unique content schedule will depend on a variety of factors, such as your audience, your industry and the nature of your business, but the general goal should be to publish a new piece roughly once a week.

This ongoing content will go a long way to helping you expand your reach in the search engines. The initial optimization that you do with the static pages won’t be enough to help your company grow. This ongoing schedule is where the real magic of SEO kicks in, and it wouldn’t be possible without content. Each new piece that gets published creates more opportunities to be found in the search engines.

It’s true that content provides the backbone for your SEO program. You should not only spend time developing your static pages, but also create an ongoing content schedule where new pieces get published on you site on a regular basis.