Use Content to Keep Customers Engaged With Your Brand

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Once a potential customer finds your brand, they don’t necessarily make a purchase right away. Unless you find a way to keep them engaged, you might lose them. It’s your content that will help them stick with you. When you publish content geared towards their needs, they will keep coming back for more by finding you on social media, checking back with your website periodically, and even subscribing to your newsletter.

Although this isn’t difficult to do, there are some challenges. Businesses often stick to creating content for a specific purpose. They may not realize that they need to think about the potential customer so that they can deliver the information that will really be valuable to them. Here’s more information as to how you can use your content to keep people engaged:

Know the Buyer’s Journey

When companies create content, they often don’t cast a wide enough net and may not even realize it. The truth is, content should be created or every stage of the buyer’s journey. Customers and potential customers want to gather information that will help them find the best product or service to meet their needs. They will collect information by researching products and brands, and they won’t make a decision until they are ready. People need this information to help make them ready.

Your goal is to have enough content on your site that will answer any questions they may have and make them comfortable enough to buy from you. The only reliable way to do this is to give your content strategy some thought in relation to the journey your potential customers need to take in order to get them to make a purchase from you.

Keep an Eye on the Data

Data is collected on an ongoing basis through social media and through tools such as Google Analytics. You should monitor this data on a regular basis so that you can know how well your customers are being engaged. One you know how well they are being engaged, you can decide how to adapt and change your marketing and content plans. Analytics can help you see which social media platforms get you the most attention, which pieces of content are performing the best, and also your overall website traffic.

Data can also give you ideas for more content that you can write that will keep your customers engaged. If you see what is working, this might inspire you to create more content. You should regularly monitor the data in order to see whether or not your content is working and to see if any fresh ideas jump out at you.

This idea helps you not only get your first customer, but repeat ones. If you spent time catering to every stage of their journey before they made the purchase, they will be even more loyal once they actually become customers. From there, you can engage with them further in social media, through your blog, and even trough your newsletter.