Keeping Content Customer Focused

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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As a business, you want the world to know who you are and what you’re about. You might be surprised to learn that instead of focusing on your business, you should be focusing on your customers. You know customers are important, but without them, you have no business at all. Here’s what you need to know about keeping your content focused on the customers:

Customers Drive Results

The goal of your business is to generate a following, loyalty, and sales. This all comes from customers.
A customer-centric way of creating content is focused on providing your target customer with exactly what they want and need. By providing them with this, their trust in you will increase. They will see that you care about them and are committed to providing them with the best. This will build long-term relationships that help to grow your business and keep it thriving for years to come.

Customer-Centric Strategy

Creating content that is customer focused means that you need to understand exactly what your target audience is looking for. How can you find out what your customers want? The following are just a few ideas:

  • Create surveys and polls
  • Use data to find out what they are searching for
  • Social media behavior: what are they liking, sharing, and commenting on?
  • Keyword research
  • Content performance
  • Comments and questions on blogs and social media
  • Know their pain points

Developing a content marketing strategy that is focused on your target audience is going to spell success. You will be putting yourself directly in front of your audience’s eyes and show them how well you know them and are looking out for their best interests.

Don’t Be All Business

Connecting with your target customer base on a non-business level is actually an important part of improving your business and relationship with your target audience. By engaging with your customers and followers on another level, you are able to show them that you’re human, not just a business trying to push your products and services on them. Engage in conversations with them on social media about things they’re discussing that aren’t related to your business or anything business related.

Focus on “You”

As mentioned, being customer focused is important, but your wording matters when creating content for your website, blog, and social media. When talking about your products or services, you want to focus on how they will benefit your target audience rather than talking about all of their features.

When your content is customer-centric, your content will draw in people who use specific keywords that connect to what’s on the page. They are getting exactly what they need because you did keyword research. You are going to stand out as a brand and business who cares about your customers and will be an asset rather than an annoyance trying to make sales.

Creating customer-focused content is going to propel your brand and business to success and help you thrive for years to come. People want to do business with companies who care about them, not just about making sales.