More Content Doesn’t Mean More Conversions

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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A website that offers valuable content to its target audience is going to attract more traffic. The hope is that this traffic will lead to increased conversions. But will more content help with that goal? And what about thin content? Is there a place for it on your website or will it be a disadvantage? Here’s what you should know about content volume and conversions:

Conversion-Oriented Content

Conversion-oriented content is created for the purpose of offering valuable information to your audience and at the same time encouraging them to take action. Elements such as urgency, storytelling, and value proposition can turn readers into paying customers. Conversion-oriented content can include a variety of pieces including blog posts, landing pages, and product pages. Combined with your SEO marketing strategy, conversion-oriented content can be very effective in increasing conversions.

Does Thin Content Have a Place?

Content that offers little to no value to your target audience shouldn’t be used in excess on your website, but doesn’t need to be avoided completely. Every now and then, you may choose to create content that includes target keywords in an effort to keep up with competitors. A visitor may decide to explore more once they are on your website and you don’t want them to continually run into thin content, so it should not make up the majority of what you publish.

If you decide to add thin content to your website, make sure that you have a blog that offers visitors high-quality information that is well-written. Too much thin content will not qualify you for top results in the search engines and may even result in penalties. Both will hinder your attempts to increase conversions.

Focus on High-Quality Content

Creating content that converts is your ultimate goal. You want to post consistently, but you want to make sure that the majority of your posts are valuable to your audience instead of creating mediocre content just for the sake of having a lot of content on your website and blog. As mentioned, thin content is okay here and there, but shouldn’t be a habit in your content marketing strategy as it won’t help you achieve your goal of more conversions. Content that converts will include the following:

  • Target keywords
  • Valuable information, news, tips, etc.
  • Headlines that capture the attention of your target audience
  • The ability to evoke emotion from the reader
  • A call to action

To create content that converts, you need to have a good grasp on what your target audience wants and needs. Through your content you can build trust. You can share industry news, videos and/or images of your product, and links to case studies, testimonials, and reviews. Show your audience that you are their to benefit there lives.

Simply having a lot of content on your website will not automatically lead to more conversions. The quality of content matters much more. People will only buy from you if your content helps them understand what it can do for them.

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