How a Content Audit Can Improve Results

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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We all know that content is the backbone of most of our digital marketing pursuits. It has a positive impact on so any items, including social media, SEO, and even paid advertising. However, it is all too easy to become a little complacent with our content marketing strategy. We either become lax with it, or we simply go through the motions, without even thinking about whether or not it is working.

This is where a content audit comes in. In fact, it’s an invaluable part of the process. Here’s more information about it:

When to Do the Content Audit

So, when should you do a content audit? The short answer is that there is no right or wrong time. A content audit simply tells you where things are at, and you can do this at any time. In fact, you should do it at least once a year, just to make sure your results are moving in the right direction.

Whether or not your content strategy is new or you’ve been doing it for a while, a content audit could help you take things to the next level. If the strategy is new, a content audit a few months into it can offer a sanity check that things are going in the right direction. If it’s been underway for longer than that, a content audit can help you hit the reset button and make some changes that will help it perform better.

Gives You a Starting Point

One of the greatest benefits of a content audit is that it gives you a starting point. While this may not always be perceived as a benefit, it is an important step. You need to know where you are before and why you’re at that point before you can figure out what to do with it. It gives you valuable data to assess the current state of things.

Without this data, making changes resembles a stab in the dark. It is impossible to know if the changes you are making are a good thing or if you will be making things worse. With a content audit, the changes that need to be made are much clearer and more informed. You have a greater chance of getting things right.

Goal Is to Better Connect with Your Audience

So what is the ultimate goal of your content? Sure, you want to “improve results” and for most businesses, this means driving more business. But, how is it that you get there? Well, your content affords you the opportunity to reach your customer base, and you do this by providing them exactly what they need.

For most businesses, this means organizing your content marketing to coincide with the sales cycle. Give people what they need at every stage of the sales cycle, and you will move people through the stages artfully and in a way that will eventually encourage them to be your paying customer. So, as part of the content audit, we always do so by analyzing how your content fits into the sales cycle, and this is something that you should to.

As you can see, a content audit is crucial to the performance of your content marketing and your digital marketing as a whole. Doing this audit can most certainly improve results.