Do’s and Don’ts of Consolidating Brands

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Consolidating brands can be an overwhelming, but rewarding, process. From deciding it’s a good idea to completing the process, you want to know you’re doing the right thing for everyone involved. Taking on the process of merging brands requires a lot of care and strategy because there is a lot not only to gain, but a lot at risk also. If a consolidation isn’t done correctly, all brands can lose customers as well as their reputations, both of which can be hard, if not impossible, to regain.

Here are things to consider when consolidating brands:

Don’t Merge Incompatible Brands

Attempting to merge incompatible brands is something that should not be attempted. Brands need to consider what they offer and who they offer it to. As individual brands, you offer value to customers. You need to see if this value will remain strong once you merge. Consider the impact a consolidation will have on them. If your customers won’t benefit, it’s not worth it. Don’t just hope for the best when you consolidate brands.

Develop a New Name for the Brand

Now that you’re consolidating brands, it’s becoming a new entity. This requires a new name and new logo. But that’s only the first step. You have existing customers and you will need the right communication to get across that you’re still there for them and offer the same value you did as separate brands. Your digital and print communications should express this in a way that appeals to existing customers and potential customers.

Don’t Blindside Your Customers

As mentioned, each brand in this consolidation has its own customers and audience. Merging brands cannot be done overnight without preparing your customers for what’s to come. Imagine waking up one morning and seeing your favorite brand is gone. There’s a new name and logo in the place where you once found it. This new brand is unfamiliar and you have no idea what they offer. As a customer, this is not a good feeling. Customers are loyal to the brands they love. Share that loyalty when you decide to merge brands and give your customers as much advanced notice as possible leading up to the consolidation. This will ensure that you don’t lose customers.

Assess Your Strategy

When you decide to merge brands, strategy is involved. It doesn’t end there though. It’s important to regularly assess your strategy, your products and services, and everything else related to your new brand. It’s important that marketers and managers are able to adjust to the changes that will happen. New opportunities will come up with the emergence of merged brands and everyone needs to be on board and open to possible changes.

Consolidating brands is not an easy process. From the start, there are many things to consider. Once a consolidation is complete, the work isn’t done. The process of consolidating brands can be rewarding when done right. It is also more time and cost-effective to acquire a brand rather than start from scratch.