Everyone at the Company Needs to Be on Board with SEO

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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BusinessAre you of the mindset that only the SEO specialists are able to take care of your search engine optimization program? Well, even if you entrust this aspect of your business to a reputable firm, everyone in your company, including the leadership as well as the marketing department as a whole, needs to be on board with it. The reason for this is simple; this is an activity that involves multiple departments, and cooperation between departments is essential to maximizing the effectiveness of the SEO campaign. For instance, content creation, social media, and even public relations can all be part of a different department depending on how big the company is. All of these are also important to any SEO campaign. Here are some ways you can get your company as a whole on board with your SEO efforts:

Get the Support of Executives

Executive buy-in is one of the most important factors that will enable you to implement an SEO program companywide. It’s also a key factor into deciding who will spearhead the program’s implementation. For instance, if you know that you don’t have the resources in-house to strategize and control the company’s SEO efforts, you will need the executives to approve any funding that will be needed to hiring a firm to do it for you. Also, if departments across the company understand how important it is to the executives to gain everyone’s cooperation, the SEO will fall into place.

Become Results Oriented

When it comes to developing an attitude of cooperation, nothing speaks better than results! By showing people what is possible when implementing a solid SEO program, it becomes much easier to get everyone to cooperate. Even though it can take at least six months to experience tangible results when first implementing an SEO strategy, once the results do roll in, it will make things much easier. Not only that, but results can help each department understand why SEO is so important. For instance, in order for the web development team to effectively make SEO-friendly changes to the website, it helps if they understand exactly why they’re doing it by analyzing tangible results.

Show People They’re Making a Difference

Another thing that can help various departments in your company adopt SEO-friendly habits is to show them just how much their actions are making a difference. For instance, if the PR department submitted press releases that the SEO team was then able to push through social media and the response was favorable, the PR department should get recognition for their contribution. When people understand that their actions really do matter, they’ll be more likely to be on board with SEO practices.

As a full service SEO company, we understand how important it is to adopt a holistic perspective when putting together an SEO program. Not only that, we know that when every department adopts key SEO strategies, it can bring in much better results. The same amount of cooperation between departments is needed so that the SEO firm can effectively do their job.