Digital Marketing Checklist for Startups

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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As a startup, you are understandably excited to get the word out about your new business. When putting together your business plan, you should also be spending time planning out your marketing campaign, particularly your digital marketing. Your likely have limited resources, so you want to make sure you prioritize your efforts properly.

There may come a time when you want to get help with the digital marketing side of your business. However, you should wait to give it some time. It isn’t always wise to involve an agency right away. You should be building a foundation first. Here’s more information about what you should be doing for digital marketing once you start your business:

Create Your Website First

When it comes to digital marketing, your website forms the foundation of everything. It is essential because this is how people will find out about your business. In order to get the job done right, you will want to make sure you work with a website company that understands what your business needs. A simpler way to go about getting a business website set-up is focusing on your business goals, expertise, budget, and time. The most important part is to get your website up sooner than later so that you can begin marketing for real.

Having a great website also creates a good first impression. It it isn’t build well, people will get frustrated and this will reflect negatively on your business. Make sure you focus your resources on this before you do anything else!

Work on Your Content Marketing

Once your website is up and running, it is the content that will really take things to the next level. Although it is tempting to start outsourcing this right away, there are a few steps you should take before you can get help. One of the first steps involve defining your goals, brand identity, and creating your buyer personas. Afterward, work on doing some of the content marketing yourself by making social media posts consistently and writing blog posts. You need to take the initial steps before you can start getting help with this, otherwise your content marketing strategy won’t be cohesive and your audience will get confused.

Build Up a Social Media Presence

A social media presence makes it easier to get in contact with your past and potential customers. You should create social media handles for all the major social media platforms, but you don’t have to be active on every single one. It’s important to remember that less is more. You should set up your social media when you work on your website, and you should begin posting right away in order to start building an audience.

Once you finish getting your social media accounts created, you should start posting consistently. Later on, you can hire a freelancer or agency to manage the accounts. By building an audience first, you will make the transition period for the freelancer/agency smoother. They would be able to spend more energy working on how to continue building the community you’ve created and turning followers into customers.