Does Your Business Website Need an Overhaul?

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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A website for your company is one of the greatest investments that you can make. When you first decide to create a website, you are probably enthusiastic about it and want it to look as good as possible. But now that a few years has passed, that design that worked when you first set up your website, might need a bit of an update. Here are some signs that it might be time to overhaul your website.

Time has passed since you’ve made any changes. As mentioned, as much as you may have loved your original design, after some time, change can be refreshing. If you have had visitors spending time on your website for years and they haven’t seen any updates, this could begin to bore them no matter how much they love your brand, products, or services.

Offer something new to them by changing things up. This doesn’t mean you need to change your entire color scheme. Editing the existing color to be a little brighter is an easy upgrade. You might choose this time to change the style, the size or the boldness of the font. While these things may sound simple, to a visitor who comes around often, they will notice and appreciate the overhaul.

Don’t forget to check out your competition to see if they’ve recently overhauled their websites. You don’t want to be left behind and have visitors and customers heading to their websites because they look more appealing.

You haven’t updated your “about me” page or contact page in months, this is something you should add to your overhaul list. It’s easy to forget to update both of these pages, but they are a very important part of your business website. As your business evolves, you want your visitors and customers to be up-to-date.

If you have testimonials or awards, it’s a good idea to add them to this page or a dedicated page for them. Make sure all information on your contact page is current and add any social media pages that your company has so that visitors can find you wherever they spend time.

You have received feedback about poor user experience. It might be easy to blow off just one or two pieces of experience thinking it’s originating from the user’s end, but it’s something you should look into. If pages are slow to load or if certain buttons or links are no longer working, these are things that should be addressed.

Speaking of links, you want to make sure you don’t have any outdated links on your website. Check all links that appear on your website to make sure they still exist and are still relevant. You may have new links to more recent sources that you want to add at this time as well.

The positive effects of overhauling your business website include increased sales and conversions. By overhauling your website at least every two years, your website will avoid looking outdated.