Business Blog Mistakes to Avoid

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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A business blog is beneficial for a number of reasons. It can help to improve the site’s SEO, which will attract more visitors and potential customers.

Some of the ways blogging is beneficial for a business owner include:

  • Blogging is an opportunity for the business owner to implement keywords that will target their ideal audience. Doing keyword research and then using these keywords, when appropriate, in your content will help users who do searches to find you more easily.
  • Business blogging can also help social media. Because search engines favor sites that have new content, posting links to new content on a website can help a business website to rank. Sharing content on social media will not only help to draw more traffic to your website, but increase your following on said social media accounts.
  • Blogging can influence online marketing. Effective blogging can help to drive more traffic to your website, which generates new leads for your business, and can lead to increased revenue.

Now that we have covered some of the benefits of business blogging, you will probably want to make sure you’re doing it to the best of your ability. There are some common blogging mistakes that unintentionally send the wrong message to people who visit your website.

Here are a few of these business blogging mistakes you want to avoid:

  • Incorporating Ads: When your business blog has gained a large and loyal following who looks forward to reading your blog updates, you may feel tempted to monetize your blog by adding advertisements. Why is this a bad idea? Monetizing a blog with ads is acceptable for a professional blogger who earns their living by blogging, but it is different when you’re a business blogger. Ads can become a distraction to your readers. The ads may be so tempting that your visitors click on them and away from your blog and website. This is not what you want. You want visitors to remain on your website.
  • Your Blog is Inactive: An inactive blog can send the wrong message by making visitors think that your business is also inactive. A blog can help to provide customers and potential customers with updates about your business. If your blog hasn’t been updated in a few months, this won’t make a good impression and may leave users confused. This may cause them to go in search of another company to do business with. Your business blog should ideally be updated once a week, but more often if possible. Remember that blog posts don’t need to be long to matter. What matters is that you say what needs to be said in a concise manner.
  • You Rely on the Work of Others: There’s no doubt about it, blogging can be tough. Coming up with unique topics, organizing your thoughts, and writing the actual posts takes time. It’s not unusual to read blogs that are rushed, boring, or even copied from other bloggers. Some bloggers will share collections of posts from other bloggers as a way of posting more often. While guest posts are actually helpful, you don’t want to use them too often. Remember that your readers are interested in your business and want to know what you have to offer them as far as information, products, and services go.

As you can see, a business blog can be beneficial. To make your blog successful, create a plan. Decide how often you will post, where you will share your posts, and keep a running list of blog post ideas.