Brand Voice Matters Across Social Channels

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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We’ve spoken about how important it is to have a solid B2B marketing strategy. Yet, that doesn’t tell the whole story. Before the B2B marketing can properly fall into place, there needs to be a strong, established brand voice present in order to achieve the overall goals.

One thing we have seen when we work with B2Bs is that they may have an inconsistent presence. In one social media platform, they may not even have their company logo uploaded. In another platform, the logo might be updated. In other words, the social media presence across platforms reads a bit more like a patchwork quilt.

The solution? No matter which stage of the B2B marketing journey you are on, you should take a step back and think about how strong your brand voice really is. Then, apply it to your social media.

Why Do You Need Your Brand Voice?

Let’s consider for a moment why having a strong brand is so important.  It is one of your greatest assets as a B2B and something that automatically sets you apart from your competition. Even if you are doing similar things as your competitors, no one can be exactly you. When your brand voice is strong, you will attract the right people to you, which means that you will grow your business.

Not only that, but your brand is really comforting to your audience. It creates an emotional connection with them, and that is something that is much harder to do if your brand were weaker.

On the flip side, what happens if your brand is inconsistent? It will make your audience feel a bit stressed because they won’t be able to “get a read” on you. Then, they’ll click away from your social media or your website and land on a competitor’s page. These competitors may make them feel a lot more comfortable, and then you would have lost the potential loyalty.

Developing and Maintaining a Cohesive Brand Voice

In the hierarchy of digital marking, developing your social media strategy is further down the ladder. Yet, as is the case with every piece of the puzzle, it’s an important one. It is next to impossible to do the social media strategy justice, however, unless the brand voice was solidified before it. It’s because your brand is tied into the visuals of social media – such as the colors and other elements.

If your social media has been underway for a whole but your brand has gotten stale, or you simply never put your brand elements together, it is not too late. You can always take a pause and do it now. Then, overhaul your social media to include the brand elements. It may seem like a pain to take a step back and do work like this, but it’s worth it. You need to have a solid and cohesive brand voice in order to thrive.

As you can see, your brand voice is crucial, and you absolutely need it for social media!