How Your Brand Benefits From Website Domain Age

Categorized in: B2B Digital Marketing
When you think of digital marketing, you probably think of things such as social media posts and content. Digital marketing is made up of a number of components including ones you can’t see. These behind-the-scenes components also play a role in your brand credibility.
If you’ve been considering a complete overhaul of your website, one thing that may have crossed your mind is ditching your current domain and starting completely fresh. Who doesn’t love a fresh start, after all? Well, as you will learn, domain age actually plays a big role in building your brand’s credibility.
Search engines favor websites that are older. The older your website is, the more a search engine will find your brand credible. Here’s why domain age matters when it comes to your brand’s credibility:
Domain Age Plays a Role in SEO
Domain age matters when it comes to search engine optimization. A website that has been around for a while and is well optimized will always outperform a new website that is optimized within the same domain. Other factors such as social signals and their link portfolio also play a role. If you decide to overhaul your website, your best bet is to keep your current domain and make whatever changes you want to the current website.
Since age matters for SEO, this is a better option than using a new domain, which will take time to build up credibility with search engines. Your website should evolve with your business. If you change your domain, this will also make it harder for your customers to find you. You customers likely know your domain by memory. They don’t search for it every time they want to visit your website. Changing your domain will cause inconvenience to your customers and this can result in loss of trust.
Domain and Branding Work Hand-in-Hand
Branding, and brand credibility, can seem complex because there are a number of factors that play a role in it. The ultimate goal is to connect your brand to your target audience. You want your target audience to see your brand and understand clearly what you have to offer them. Your target audience is who will recognize your brand and build trust in you enough to make purchases.
When they need to buy again or are looking for another product or service that you offer, it is you they will think of first. For users who are not yet aware of your brand, ranking prominently in a search will help them to become more aware of you. They will see your brand come up time and time again. They will recognize you before they even visit your website. Finally, they will feel as though your brand can be trusted and they will visit your website. Allowing your domain to age will only benefit your SEO and your bottom line.
Your domain age plays a big role in the credibility of your brand. An older domain is going to gain credibility in search engines, which will in turn help to boost recognition of your brand.