Picking the Best Username for Social Media

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When it comes to picking a username for social media, many of us don’t give it a passing thought. We simply choose one that seems good and move on posting and interacting on the site. The truth is, you need to have put a lot more thought into it, especially if you’re using social media for your marketing plan.

There’s a lot more that goes into choosing a username for social media than you think, and if you gloss over it, you do your business a disservice. Here are some of our thoughts that will help you select a great username:

Consider Branding

Before you select a username, you need to take a step back and nail down your business branding. Every decision you make from a marketing perspective, and this includes choosing a username, should be done with branding in mind.

So, how do you choose a username that goes along with your branding? Make sure that it reflects your brand identity. When someone peruses your social media, it creates subtle queues about who you are and what you do. Consider your brand’s vibe, the name of your business, and the overall feel of your brand before making your final choice.

Make it Uniform

One place where businesses often go wrong is that they have different usernames across different platforms. This is the exact opposite of what should be done! Pick a username that is on brand that is also available on all the platforms. If the name is available on one platform but not the others, you really should take extra measures to make sure they are uniform.

The opposite – having different usernames – gives off a scattered, disorganized appearance to your audience. It also creates brand confusion, where people might not know that it’s you from one platform to the next. You want to make things easy for your customer base to find you and identify with you, and they can’t do this if your names are different in any give place.

Know the Big Picture

Most importantly, you really need to get to know the big picture. How does your social media, and even more specifically, the usernames for your social media, fit into the rest of your marketing program? Well, it is impossible to know unless you have your overall digital marketing strategy nailed down. From there, you can determine your branding and then the details of your social media.

Many do this process in the opposite direction. They know they need social media, and then they reserve the usernames without any thought. This is where the trouble starts. You need to put some thought in, or else you won’t make the right choice for your business. This is when things start to look disjointed.

Yes, your username really does matter. It may seem like a small thing, but it’s all part of the bigger picture. The right username goes along with your branding, can help improve performance, and should fit in with your digital marketing as a whole.