Use the Basics to Improve Your LinkedIn Results

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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With so many social media platforms available to use, it’s difficult to know which one is right for you. Chances are you will use more than one. You might find one platform has more users that engage with your content than others. With all of the social media platforms out there, LinkedIn is typically only thought of when people are job hunting or looking for employees. LinkedIn is a great source of articles, engagement with people in similar industries, and is highly trusted so profiles tend to appear high on searches.

When using LinkedIn, here are some ideas that will help you get the most out of your experience and improve the results:

Fill out your profile

An important part of LinkedIn is the user’s profiles. Many of them aren’t filled out enough. This could be for a number of reasons, including not knowing what type of information to list or simply doing the bear minimum. Think of your LinkedIn profile as a resume or portfolio. When people arrive at your page, you want them to see your history and your qualifications. A business page should include the company history, contact information, what services and products are offered, as well as links to the business website and blog.

A personal, or individual, page should list your current job, what your duties are, and your education. Both pages should be updated whenever there is something new to share. It also doesn’t hurt to add a photo to your LinkedIn page. This helps other users to connect to you.

Share content of interest

LinkedIn is not just a website where people go to look for a job or hire others for a job. LinkedIn is a social network where people share content with connections. Sharing content is a great way to connect with others in the same industry. What should you share on LinkedIn? Blog posts (both yours and others), industry research and news, how-to posts, quick tips, and company updates.

Optimize your content

LinkedIn is a trusted social media platform. As mentioned, LinkedIn results often rank high, so this is a good reason to optimize your content. It is important to remember that all of the content you post anywhere on the web, not just on your website, should be optimized. Include keywords in your shared posts, your skills, and your company description. Avoid keyword stuffing, but always include keywords and phrases where they make the most sense. Keywords don’t only help you in search engine results, but also within the LinkedIn website. If people are looking for something specific, keywords will help.

Join LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn is a social media platform, so in addition to being a space where people can post resumes and post content and updates, it is a space that includes groups. Join groups related to your industry to meet people that share similar interests. You can share your content in these sites as well as like and comments on other user’s posts.