B2B Social Media for Events

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Executing a successful event or launch for your B2B requires thorough planning. By understanding your goals and your audience, you can make it happen. Using social media to promote and host B2C and B2B events differs slightly, so it’s important to understand what will help your business stand out and get noticed by your target audience – other businesses. Here are some tips for putting together a B2B social media event that gets results:

Understand Your Audience

B2Bs aim to attract other businesses, so your approach is going to be different than if you were targeting general consumers. With your event or launch, decide on your goals. Are you hoping to target new and existing customers, influencers, partners, or all of the above? It’s helpful to determine job titles, roles, and departments that would most be interested in the event you’re hosting.

For example, sales representatives might be a role that appeals to the current product you are promoting. By narrowing down your target audience, you can appeal to their preferences and speak their language. Defining your event according to your industry and the type of function that you will be hosting be a great boost to your event.

Create a Content Strategy

Using social media for your B2B event means creating a content calendar as well as a strategy. You always want to be in front of people’s eyes, but when planning an event, it’s even more important to keep your target audience engaged and up-to-date. Planning and executing an event can be overwhelming, so remaining organized and on task is crucial. Creating a strategy for your content creation and sharing should align with your goals for your event. This is your chance to show your audience who you are and what you have to offer them. Make them sure they can’t miss your event by offering high-quality content.

Get Engaged

Social media is a two-way street. Engaging with your audience leading up to your event can make or break its success. If you fail to engage with your B2B audience, they won’t feel inclined to attend your event because they will assume you don’t care. Engaging with your audience prior to your event gives them insight into who you are and what your business has to offer them. Communication is essential for building trust, building credibility, getting feedback, and creating buzz not only for your event, but for your brand and business. Some ideas for increasing engagement include:

  • Polls and surveys. Prior to your event, this is a great way to gauge what your target audience is looking forward to and interested in experiencing at your event. You can find out what they hope to gain and the topics that spark their interest.
  • Run contests. By asking your followers to share a post about your event and tag anyone they think might be interested, you will not only engage with your audience, but draw in more interested B2Bs.

Engaging with your audience prior to an event will encourage other B2Bs to show up for your event and see what more you have to offer.

As a B2B, your audience needs to be well-defined and understood. Because your audience is more specific and smaller than a B2C’s potential audience, it’s important that you hone in on them and appeal to their unique needs and wants to make your event a success.

Watch and listen below for more strategic advice: