Enhancing Client-B2B Marketing Agency Relations

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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When we think about client and agency relationships, we automatically assume that the burden for this is solely on the B2B marketing agency. Well, it has been our experience that yes, we need to help with the relationship – but the client does, as well. As is the case with most of our relationships in life, the agency – client relationship isn’t one-sided. Clients need to do their part. What makes a good client? What can enhance our relationship together? Here are some of our thoughts:

Establish a Bond of Trust

You hired the B2B marketing agency for their expertise. Now, it’s up to you to trust it as the relationship unfolds. There is a difference between hiring an inexpensive freelancer versus hiring an agency. There is an unspoken rule in the industry where an agency brings with it some strategic expertise, as well as the understanding that their expertise will be valued. If the strategy is already established in-house, and the client just needs help implement the work, then perhaps an agency isn’t the best fit? In that case, perhaps it would be better to hire a freelancer.

However, establishing a bond of trust works both ways. Although the agency may have the expertise, trust works both ways. The agency needs to trust that the client has expertise about their business, and the client has to trust that the agency understands what works consistently from a marketing perspective. If the bonds and trust are properly established, you will create a symbiotic relationship with one another.

Understand True Collaboration

While having a bond of trust is a good first step to growing a great relationship between client and agency, it’s really only the beginning. A great relationship is one that focuses on a sense of true collaboration. Both sides need to feel heard by the other, or else the relationship won’t work. We mentioned the symbiotic relationship in the section above, and collaboration and symbiosis are very similar.

True collaboration will help the relationship thrive. If both sides aren’t willing to understand each other, this will hold the relationship back. True collaboration starts with trust and is built on a foundation of mutual respect.

Know the Expectations for Both Sides

Knowing what to expect in terms of goals, objectives, and expectations is key to building a thriving and successful relationship between client and agency. But here’s the thing about expectations – it only works to have them if it is clear that both sides have actually heard each other. In the past, we’ve had clients where we could tell didn’t quite hear us when we said that we can’t predict or guarantee results, but that we were going to use our expertise to give them the best chance to succeed.

Yet they still ask us to, even after several months. If they really understood that we couldn’t guarantee results, they wouldn’t be asking. Not aligning on expectations can fracture the relationship.

If these three items are in place – trust, collaboration, and clear expectations – it sets the tone for a successful relationship.