B2B Fractional CMO Solves Problems

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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In today’s business environment, having the best marketing strategy in place while keep the business sharp, ahead of the competition, and poised to succeed. Yet, getting the strategic marketing efforts to a good place is easier said than done. There’s a lot that goes into it that extend beyond creating the strategy. Someone needs to oversee the efforts, from budget, to creation, and then to implementation.

This is exactly what a Chief Marketing Officer does, the issue is that many companies have opted not to hire a CMO, citing lack of budget. This puts the company at a serious disadvantage. If this is your scenario, and you don’t want to spend on a full time CMO, don’t think a full time CMO is necessary, or maybe don’t have the resources for one, consider hiring a B2B Fractional CMO.

Not only do Fractional CMO’s establish and manage the marketing efforts for a company, but they can also help solve issues that arise. Here’s more information about this:

Identify Issues that Arise

Depending on the circumstance, a Fractional CMO may opt to start by analyzing any issues that may have arisen. In the case where the business was well established before the fractional started working with them, this is a logical place to start. If there are known issues, it will help the overall process if these are addressed from the beginning.

It’s part of the “getting to know you” period every Fractional CMO needs to go through when first hired by a company. There may not be immediate solutions at first, but you can’t know what to do if you don’t first identify the issue. Then, depending on the nature of the issue, finding solutions for the issue can be built into the strategy.

Find the Best Approach

At the core of solving problems is finding the best solution possible. Ideally, the fix will align with the overall marketing plan and offer a solution to best serve the audience and customer base. What is needed in order to fix the problem? Is the problem definitely a problem, or is it something that doesn’t hold weight for the long-term strategy.

For example, a dip in revenue, if it is part of a seasonal pattern, is not a real issue because it is part of the yearly cycle. Experiencing a technical issue with the website is an example of a mission critical issue that needs to be solved quickly. Part of the strategy behind find the best approach is making sure that the issue is really a problem in the first place.

Once the fix is implemented, it’s time to monitor to see if it truly did fix the issue. If it didn’t, then you’ll have to start from the beginning and try something else. Remember that not every issue is one that needs to be solved.

Fractional CMO’s help oversee a company’s marketing strategy. They can do anything from analyze budgets to delegate work. They also thrive with problem solving, and are experienced professionals who can get things done!