Factors That Will Result in B2B Conversions

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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SEO is an important factor in B2B conversions. Without SEO, it is more difficult for a business website to rank high in search engines. Because this is where people begin there searches online in many cases, it does matter. But SEO isn’t the only factor that will play into your business website’s success.

B2B marketing can be difficult. When it comes to B2B, it’s not just one person that needs to be convinced that your business is worthwhile, but more people within the organization. Since more than one employee may have a choice in the decision, a B2B marketing campaign may take longer than a B2C campaign. The sales cycles of a B2B must go through research, consultation within the organization, and make sure they have the budget to accommodate it.

For these reasons, B2Bs can’t rely on SEO alone to result in conversions. B2Bs must take advantage of all the outlets available to them for their online marketing. Marketing the business in a variety of ways will benefit it more than simply focusing on SEO and the goal of ranking in search engines. Social media, newsletters, display ads, and affiliate links are just a few of the outlets a business website can take advantage of.  

Strong content marketing is something else that B2Bs should take into consideration. Content marketing can include a business blog, videos, infographics, social media, and podcasts to name a few. When a decision is being made, it can be because of just two of these factors or possibly all of them! Someone might come across your informative Twitter post, while another may have found your business website through a search engine search, and another may have read a blog post. All of these factors combined can contribute to a decision by an organization.

Social media, for example, is the perfect place to share updates about your business, new blog posts, and other things you think your target audience will enjoy. Posting on social media also plays a role in SEO, so think of it like killing two birds with one stone. If you use all avenues possible to you for your online marketing, don’t overthink too much about where a conversion comes from. Chances are that they all played a role in making it happen.

You might not see a correlation between your blog posts and sales, but don’t be so quick to stop posting on your blog. The same goes for social media. You might not see the connection between your sales and social media activity, but it still plays an important part in the scheme of things.

SEO is an important factor and one that shouldn’t be set aside, but you don’t want to rely on it alone to create conversions. It is a good addition to an otherwise well-rounded strategy that includes social media, content creation, and other online avenues that are available to your business. Businesses that seem to have the most conversions and greatest success are those that create a strong online presence.