B2B Content Thrives with Team Effort

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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B2B marketing depends on content marketing. In fact, content marketing is a foundational activity that creates a trickle-down effect. If the content is solid, it will enhance other forms of marketing, such as newsletter marketing, digital advertising, and social media marketing. Great content has a host of other benefits, too, such as improving customer engagement, solidifying branding, and more. What you’re trying to accomplish with the content marketing will depend on the goals.

So, what can help enhance your content marketing and make it thrive? One of the best things is to treat B2B content as a team effort. Establish the content strategy, implement the schedule, and the pieces as a cohesive team unite, and your marketing efforts will be a lot stronger for it. Here’s more information:

Develop Ideas as a Team

Each member of your team will have different insights for developing ideas for the B2B content. Each department will have a slightly different insight, too, that could lead to a gem of a piece. For example, sales works so closely with potential customers that they could have stellar insights about some of the pieces, particularly those that address pain points, product benefits, and objections.

All sales needs to do at that point is let marketing know of these brainstorms and the rest can be handled by the marketing team.  As you can see, developing ideas as a team has a host of benefits, including developing a more comprehensive content that strategy that will work to target different segments of the audience.

Know the Sales Cycle

Each member of the team should also be well versed in the sales cycle. The reason for this is that B2B content especially thrives when it is designed to align with the sales cycle and connect with people at every stage of their journeys. Each part of the team needs to know the strategy because depending on the situation, everyone could have different insights.

For example, marketing may have different insights on how to connect with people in the discovery phase of the sales cycle, whereas the sales team members will have insights about people who are further along in the buyer’s sales cycle. That’s why the departments need to be in the mindset of working together.

Create a System for Transparency

Another great way that team collaboration creates a thriving situation for B2B content is because it builds transparency between departments. We have seen companies where the marketing department typically handled all the content creation. The end result is that other departments, such as sales and product development, constantly wished that they could have played a part in the process. They had valuable insights that could have elevated the content to the next level.

They began asking these other departments for insights and ideas and even would interview team members in other departments to gather information for the content. The end result is that it transformed the content efforts. Everyone in the company felt proud of the content because they had a hand in creating it. This set the content up for success.