Utilize Existing B2B Content for SEO

Written by Nick Stamoulis

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Content creation is one of the most difficult aspects of B2B SEO, but it’s also the most necessary. An SEO campaign that has a strong content foundation is going to perform much better than one that doesn’t. Optimized content is what will rank in the search engines for specific keywords over time and will be linked to naturally on web pages. It also helps to build social signals when it is shared in social media. Many B2Bs struggle with consistently producing enough informative and engaging content. It’s understandably difficult to decide on new topic ideas, which is why we always recommend using existing content as a basis for creating new content.

Here are 3 types of content that can be repurposed for SEO:


Webinars are a staple of a B2B marketing program. B2B products are typically much more complex than B2C and require a demonstration. Including all of your webinars on your website is a great start, but you can really get more out of them by putting in a little extra effort. A webinar is typically anywhere up to an hour long. Some people just don’t have the time to watch the whole thing, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any information within the webinar that they could benefit from. Using simple editing software, you can take a webinar and edit it into short videos that are just a couple of minutes long. These videos can then be uploaded to YouTube and include a brief description along with a link so that the viewer knows where to find the full webinar if they’d like to learn more. YouTube links are “no follow”, but you can use this to bolster your SEO by sharing the video in a blog post and then posting the blog post link to social media.

White papers

Like webinars, white papers are often used in B2B content marketing. It’s another way to inform prospects about what you have to offer and is geared towards those that would prefer to read as opposed to watch. White papers are typically longer, more than a page or two. Like webinars, prospects might not have the time to read a full white paper and sometimes even just the thought of having to download it or fill out a form to get access can prevent them from doing so. That’s why you shouldn’t hide all of your great thoughts within a white paper only. Instead, use the content that is in the white paper to create shorter blog posts on the topic. You could even create a blog post series. This is a great way to bring that white paper back to life.

Blog posts

If you have a reasonable supply of “old” blog posts, there is nothing wrong with going through to see if you can use them again. You don’t want to actually post the same content again, that can get you in trouble, but you can certainly share them again. As long as the posts on your blog aren’t dated, your social followers and newsletter subscribers probably won’t remember that you already shared something with them. Maybe they didn’t even notice it the first time around. That’s why it’s a good strategy to write evergreen content that will remain relevant long after it’s been written.